Ok Willard ..

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  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 02:52 PM
you tell everyone you will save the fucking country ..

now tell everyone how you'll do it and how long it will take ..

the people that vote want to know .. I want to know.
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  • CJ7
  • 09-07-2012, 04:53 PM
hell, if willie would tell me how he plans to save me, if its good enough I might vote for him .. as would millions of other people if he suited them too

as is stands, he chooses his own path of silence, and 9 times out of 10 that path is the path to nowhere ..

by all means willard keep your mouth shut ..

republican logic ... brilliant aint it?
It's EXACTLY like McCain's plan to stop the war in Iraq.

What a Great Patriot!

He kept it a SECRET and then kept it a secret AFTER he lost the election, too!

It is no different than this charade playing out now! Willard Mittens Rmoney is telling us Obama is not creating jobs after the corporate world withholds 3 trillion in cash AND the Teapublicans in Congress sabotage EVERY single proposed Obama jobs stimulus - EVEN the ones THE Teapublicans first suggested!
Did you see McCain stomping grapes? funny