Happy NYE Fellow Ho's and guys

TexasAustin's Avatar
Looking forward to a happy😎😘💋 dirtier😈😈😈😈😈 & better 2022!
Mr.Anderson's Avatar
Same to you babe 😎
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm disappointed to see you would use a derisive term like ''Ho's'', to describe your Sisters in the proffession.

Let's try a nicer term.

Happy New Year fellow Guys and Harlots!
TexasAustin's Avatar
Over on Oh2 the system wouldn't let me spell Ho's with the e in it. But it accepted Ho's.
winn dixie's Avatar
happy nye to all you tricks and hookers
Have a Happy New Year everyone!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-31-2021, 03:15 PM
Over on Oh2 the system wouldn't let me spell Ho's with the e in it. But it accepted Ho's. Originally Posted by TexasAustin
Trick owner is a control freak, he doesn't like bad words and filters everyone, but loves this lifestyle though, he cherry picks his sins like cussing is worst than paying prostitutes to get laid. He's going to heaven for not cussing LMAO 😂
Chung Tran's Avatar
He allows the word ''Ho's'', because when he's asked his 3 favorite foods, it is ''Ho Ho's, Twinkies, and Ding Dongs''.

Control Freak he is. His dumb Site was around for years, before I heard about it. That was during ECCIE's 70-day Web disappearance in 2018.

He sure made a lot of enemies, fucking over guys for foolish, if any, reasons.