Job Hunting!!!

Hello fellow eccie users, I just got the boot from a health care place. Wanting to know if anyone is looking for an assistant I have background in Tech, Social Work, Social Media Management among other tangible skills. Please let me know if you are still looking for an assistant!
Have a good day!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 01-19-2022, 06:25 PM
You have a pussy?.... If not, look into job websites, this isn't an equal opportunity employment place, unless you're into some freaky stuff
pittlicker's Avatar
Bahaha! I just spit in my coffee cup!
pittlicker's Avatar
Meeker_22's Avatar
Please post your resume here, along with contact info.
If there's something open that's suitable, we'll contact you.
lmao my mouth will do eh?