
I am so FNing tired of seeing this shit on tv

first off,

everything that Frank says he gets from taking this shit, is pretty much what you get from taking coffee..

text to get a link to get have to put in your address for your FREE bottle, and $10 S/h

PM me and I'll clean your house for FREE, ( and gimmie $2,000 gas money)

  • Testofen & Tribulus Terrestris – Made from the fenugreek plant, this is claimed to “sexual activity, arousal, desire, performance, and satisfaction.”
  • L-Citrulline Malate – Claimed to relax blood vessels and provide firmer erections.
  • Zinc – May help improve cell repair and promote prostate and sexual health.
  • Vitamin B6 – May help improve arousal and red blood cell formation, both of which may be reduced due to low testosterone levels.
  • Vitamin B12 – May help promote digestion and boost energy
are what is in it,

if any of that stuff increased testosterone, it would be a drug and then the FDA would take it

what that stuff does is between NOTHING and increasing blood flow(by increasing NO, ie citruline/fenugreek)

*rolls eyes*
/end rant/
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
This local scam is even worse lol. Rubber bracelet with a metal band and hologram for $170. Probably costs less than $1 for them to make.

-"I bought my MIRACLE WAATER and then go $ $$ in the mail!

the MIRACLE WATER is from costco
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Just bring back laudanum.
DYI T injections are cheap. Why would anyone buy that shit? Just go see your doc and get the real deal. Damn.
DYI T injections are cheap. Why would anyone buy that shit? Just go see your doc and get the real deal. Damn. Originally Posted by SouthOfKC
T injections arent hard to get, gotta watch your Estraidol and other stuff