sex satistics

OMGitsHuge's Avatar
According to the Office for National Statistics 190,374 people are having sex right now 212,130 are kissing and one poor bastard is reading this.

You hang in there sunshine !
eaglehorse's Avatar
True, While reading this post, my MILF neighbor is giving me a thank you BJ.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Fuckin morning people.
bambino's Avatar
I just woke up, what did I miss? I think I had a wet dream last night, does that count?

Fuckin wet spots
thecaptainpgh's Avatar
Have I missed anything? Just rolling out of bed now..
Just uhmmmm,.... rolling out of bed here too.
5:23 am: not having sex but dreaming about it.

As for the other times.
Yeah, having sex, a couple of those times.