For the past couple of years now, I have 3, sometimes 4 AMP ladies that I visit on a regular basis in rotation. All of which go full GFE with me and Im forever gratefull for their generiousity. There is a standard fee associated with each arrangement which makes it almost more like an SB thing than an AMP experience. Now, I know Im not the only one who has such arrangements, nor do I labor under the ellusion that the 3 I have are exclusive with me. But my point is, for the newer folks deleving into AMPs, try a bit of personal approach. Take the time, if possible, to get to know the lady and see her as a person instead of an object that simply passes out HE's. Treat her well and tip her before hand, generously and you might be suprise what opens up for you. Cheers, Lads!
les123's Avatar
I was under the impression that the amp ladies move around a lot. True, or not? Thanks for the insight.
There are the well known places that turn over talent pretty frequently. They also tend to get alot of reviews and have alot of traffic, but those are not the ones Im talking about.
Consider pre-tipping once you get to know the lady. I have found this has opened things up quite a bit for me over the years.
CPFBurner's Avatar
I've been going this route lateky as well. One of mine moved to Florida which is unfortunate. But I've got 2 at the same place right now that I go between. Haven't posted reviews for them because I don't want to mess up a good thing. Pre-tipping works well. Be nice. Compliment them. Don't be pushy. Let them take care of you. That way they are always comfortable doing things because it was their choice. Here's a handsome cash pile. Do whatever you are comfortable with. I've had amazing traction doing this.