Alternatives for Cialis or Viagra

richardthelionheart's Avatar
Any suggestions on alternatives for Cialis or Viagra. Can you even by either online?
What other options might you suggest for on line purchases?
Be careful buying anything online that you plan on digesting. Especially not from reputable sites, some of those places are wicked and you could def have some health issues from something you take our a allergic reaction!!!! I would say go to a real doctor that way if you need them you know what they are for sure sweetie
I buy mine here fast shipping
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Any suggestions on alternatives for Cialis or Viagra. Can you even by either online?
What other options might you suggest for on line purchases? Originally Posted by richardthelionheart
I suggest get the natural stuff out of the way, before using cialis/viagra, which have some pretty bad side effects
first, get your diet in order,
you get wood by having enough nitrix oxide to get wood
but to get NO, you need nitrates, which also do many wonderful things for your body
kill virus/.cancer'/ allow you to regulate BP. avoid cancer(again, many wayS)
Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits1,2,3

read all about it

after that easy change of changing your diet,
well there are other things that need to be looked at...but I'm not sure why you want a risky boner pill, maybe for fun and not that fact you can't get boners
if you need help with getting boners, PM me and I'll tell you the simple stuff you can do
otherwise OTC woody medication is Yohimbine HCL
here's a guide to use it

I have bought viagra online over the last 10-15 years. It has always been manufactured by one of the big India pharma companies. Never any trouble. The link mentioned above is probably as good as any.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Tongue depressors and duct tape.
I buy mine here fast shipping Originally Posted by lookinginolatheks
Are those made by Pfizer and the same you get from your local pharmacy or generic version?
Are those made by Pfizer and the same you get from your local pharmacy or generic version? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

The specific website in question mentions "cheap generic Viagra online".

A generic will work exactly like the name brand, assuming the pill actually contains the generic drug in question in the correct dosage.

I would suggest looking at my response in the Men's Lounge if you want to get guaranteed sildenafil in the U.S. from any U.S. pharmacy.
I am familiar with Suhagra. Same exact ingredients as viagra but made in India (was skeptical but has worked for a couple clients). I think the individual would need to weigh the risks but it's not like the FDA has always been correct when approving everything on the market so I don't feel the risk is that much different. $2/pill vs $35...
I have been buying the real stuff for over 10 years. After refilling last month at about $40 per 100mg, I said "screw it"! I placed an order through the link above and have a little package en route from Mombai right now. I've taken much bigger risks than possibly eating a little blue placebo. I hope to report back on the results soon.
I am familiar with Suhagra. Same exact ingredients as viagra but made in India (was skeptical but has worked for a couple clients). I think the individual would need to weigh the risks but it's not like the FDA has always been correct when approving everything on the market so I don't feel the risk is that much different. $2/pill vs $35... Originally Posted by MissSaraXXX
This brand is in the minibars at hotels I have stayed in in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta, not an endorsement and not vouching for it's effectiveness, but funny to think about the differences in what we consider a prescription drug in the U.S. and what is available over the counter in other parts of the world.
zeejoe's Avatar
This brand is in the minibars at hotels I have stayed in in Kuala Lumpur and Jakarta, not an endorsement and not vouching for it's effectiveness, but funny to think about the differences in what we consider a prescription drug in the U.S. and what is available over the counter in other parts of the world. Originally Posted by Mufflerbearings
The flip side to that is :

* "Want Some Mexican candy?"

"I dunno. What's in it?"

* "Lead."

To their credit, the FDA frowns on that shit.

Anybody wants to talk about scrips from Canada where their system screws with big pharmas' ridiculous prices, or France and Western Europe where they're more aggressive about approving experimental treatments, fine, point taken, but buying and ingesting pharmaceuticals from countries who are thinking about maybe kinda' someday getting around to that whole indoor plumbing thing for the majority of their country is... questionable, to put it mildly.

Especially China, where a huge percentage of their entire economy is based on fraud.
Don't believe the skeptics. This week I received my first purchase of generics made in India. I was thrilled to see they work as well, if not better, than the US products. I was worried about losing them in US Customs, but saw they tagged them as medicines and sent them on to KC. I can't believe I didn't try it sooner.
bartipero's Avatar
The article is interesting, but raises more questions than answers. Natural or easy to obtain remedies start with exercise. The good testosterone supplements, like TestX 180 and others, available over the counter, can be good short term if that's the issue. Otherwise, supplementing with L-Argenine and L-Citrulline has been shown to lead to increased NO levels, but is more effective when combined with exercise. That leads to less ED & if not there is always the pills.