The Hobby and your Future?

Phil Hardman's Avatar
In light of what has happened to Rep. Anthony Weaver recently, I've been pondering what long lasting effects being a member of our hobby could potentially have on your future aspirations.

I mean, hypothetically, let's say I were to have some future aspirations to be in public service . . . senator . . . representative . . . mayor (I don't, but for the sake of argument, let's say I did). Imagine being at a press conference, talking about a tax plan that I want to get passed, when one of the members of the press stands and asks, "Mr (insert my government name here), can you explain where your nick name of 'Phil Hardman' comes from?" In an instant, my career would be over . . . and to think of the potential ladies that could come out and say yeah, "Phil Hardman" did such-and-such with me, etc . . .

Simply put, there are some jobs out there where the skeletons that may be in your closet become fair play for your detractors, from credit reports, nasty divorces, and yes, participation in the hobby. I've been in the hobby since 2004, and have seen dozens of ladies BCD, and met dozens of guys (some that have even become friends) along the way.

bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-17-2011, 07:00 AM
For me Phil, the very day that I called my first provider, I unofficially/officially removed my name from the list of most anything that brings media or the press interest in me, my life, my family.

Good thought, btw.
Mojojo's Avatar
I think what gets the figures in trouble is not so much the event/skeleton but the lie they try to feed the public. They perceive the public to be nothing more than ignorant fools, but thats not the case.
pyramider's Avatar
What are you talking about? Of course the general public are ignorant fools. Thinck about it . . . if the general public were not ignorant fools how else can you explain how most are elected?
gearslut's Avatar
If I'm ever caught and I lose my job over it I guess I can just go be on TV with Elliot Spitzer....
All it takes is to get your campaign staff to make you an "I am not a Witch!" video. Works wonders!

Anything can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion ... they just have to find the evidence or a perception of evidence
This is why all of my sessions are done through the glory hole.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I don't think hobbying would kill your chances for a political future. After all we had one president that used to wet his cigars with his interns puss.
Mojojo's Avatar
What are you talking about? Of course the general public are ignorant fools. Thinck about it . . . if the general public were not ignorant fools how else can you explain how most are elected? Originally Posted by pyramider
Sad but true

This is why all of my sessions are done through the glory hole. Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
For me Phil, the very day that I called my first provider, I unofficially/officially removed my name from the list of most anything that brings media or the press interest in me, my life, my family.

Good thought, btw. Originally Posted by bbkid
I agree. When they tried to draft me at the convention a couple of years ago to run for President and it failed I figured that I had a more fruitful life ahead as a devoted hobbyist rather than as a public figure.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think what gets the figures in trouble is not so much the event/skeleton but the lie they try to feed the public. They perceive the public to be nothing more than ignorant fools, but thats not the case. Originally Posted by mojojo213
With all due respect, what gets them in trouble is "doing it" (whatever it is that they "must" lie about) in the first place so the "have to lie."
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't think hobbying would kill your chances for a political future. After all we had one president that used to wet his cigars with his interns puss. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Lost the Cuban vote.

Oh, if you are referencing Bill Clinton .. what "political future" ...

1. First Husband
2. Governor of New York
3. Manhattan Dog Catcher.

"Jan. 21, 1998: Several news organizations report the alleged sexual relationship between Lewinsky and Clinton. Clinton denies the allegations as the scandal erupts."

When the Cigar Dildo hit the news, he was well into his 2nd term and well on his way out the door. He had already committed perjur and was engaged in "witness tampering" and attempting to persuade another to commit perjury to cover up his perjury.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 06-18-2011, 02:28 PM
If you are still working for someone, prepare your resignation letter or speech now!
yourpcrepairguy's Avatar
warning link contains depictions of adult nature

btw best tv show eva.