Summertime (outdoor) drinks.... what drives your kewl?

ck1942's Avatar
Mine normally frozen daiquiris (assuming the blender is operable), but Cuba Libre (rum, Coca-Cola or RC Cola! and lime) works, too.

There's actually a reason for this thread.

Can be pre-session, during session or "intermission" (not intromission, but, why not) or post-session.
FootLong's Avatar
I agree with your drink choices and would add Long Island Tea and Mai Tai.

And the reason for this thread is certainly hobby-related...(yes, I am telepathic).
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Simple vodka on the rocks with a splash of Limoncello, for a slight twist a splash of Fresca.
I love a simple and well made Mint Julep. Very refreshing!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Lynchburg Lemonade ain't a bad go-to either in certain hobby related activities.

Margaritas, (Two spinners named, Margaret. What!?) has to be in the running for the coolest, (not to mention appropos; all things considered lol), as well.



Vodka (preferably Grey Goose) and Redbull on ice! Margaritas (no particular flavor), chilled wine, Jameson/Dr. Pepper, Jack & Coke, and on and on. Nice post CK!
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
As an avid Wino, summer gets to be rough on keeping my favorite reds at room temperature (which for red wine is about 65-68 degrees) so I make up my own red wine Kuhler - taking a tall high ball glass, filling it with ice then filling it 3/4 with a standard merlot, then add a secret ingredient for the last 1/4 and topping off with a fresh squeezed half key lime.
Then sit on my patio, get the outdoor Niles cranking to Tony or Frankie, count the hummingbirds and wait for my ATF/ UTR to come over for some KUHLER's before, during and after recess!
A lime margarita (Frozen please!!) sounds good right now... Although I'm not much of a drinker I enjoy an alcoholic beverage every once in a while with good company and conversation.
Hottassamelia's Avatar
Mojito's I can make an excellent Mojito
Kuhlarrow's Avatar
C'mon over Karla...[Staff edit. M]...Watch out for the deer!!!
So far counted 22 bird species at my feeders - appears they like Frankie & Tony!
Wine Kuhler #3 libated for pre-game!!!
A lime margarita (Frozen please!!) sounds good right now... Although I'm not much of a drinker I enjoy an alcoholic beverage every once in a while with good company and conversation. Originally Posted by XOXO Karla

I also enjoy ice water with lemon and cucumbers. I'm going to try adding mint next time and see how that tastes.
Iced tea works very well.
My favorite non-alcoholic refreshment... Unsweet iced tea with a lemon wedge.
Precious_b's Avatar
I usually bring something with me.
Warmer weather, I like the chilled sweet wines.
A lambic peach is the bomb for me.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Captain Morgan and coke, or an unsweetened ice tea are my favorites during warm summertime weather.