35 Brutally Honest Reasons Women Say No To Sex (and why their men seek hookers)

Will Boner's Avatar
Taken from The Stir:

1.Because you didn't do the dishes.
2.There is a weird smell coming from your butt.
3.You flirted with the waitress and it made me upset.
4.I feel fat and I am so not in the mood.
5.I have B.O. so I don't want you near me.
6.You have B.O. and I don't want you near me.
7.I didn't brush my teeth.
8.It smells like you didn't brush your teeth.
9.You aren't paying enough attention to foreplay.
10.I really don't want to give you a blowjob and I know that's what you like first and I just. can't. do. it.
11.Because I don't want to do it the minute you walk in the door like you expect.
12.Because you've been a pervert all day and it's annoying.
13.I'm hungry -- and not for sex.
14.Because I'm tired.
15.Because groping doesn't turn me on.
16.You're drunk and I'm not.
17.I don't feel sexy.
18.Because I have no interest in sex at all.
19.I slept with someone else earlier in the day.
20.I just want to be alone.
21.Everyone's been up my ass all day, the kid, the dog, the cat, I don't want you there, too.
22.Because you're being an asshole.
23.Because you're being rough in a mean way.
24.I masturbated today. I've had enough.
25.Because I can't orgasm and I don't feel like faking it right now.
26.Because you aren't hard and I'm tired of trying.
27.Because loafing around the house in your boxers while you scratch your balls doesn't make me hot.
28.I'm on my period.
29.Because I wish the time you just spent playing your Xbox you were playing with me instead.
30.Because you don't want to do it how I want and I don't feel like explaining.
31.I fantasized about an ex today. I can't do it with you right now.
32.Because I'm cranky.
33.Five minutes ago you were basically ignoring me. Now you want to have sex? No.
34.Because I just showered and don't want to get dirty.
35.Because I don't think you love me.
WiLsOn's Avatar
35 reasons that remind me of "Why Marriage is the death of hope!"
deltadog's Avatar
I know I have heard at least 13 of them.
Lana Warren's Avatar
The problem is that you men haven't learned how to play the game properly. If y'all would just start thinking with the big head, you'll get what you want.

Us ladies learned how to play the game and yep, we got what we wanted.

Bestman200600's Avatar
My wallet and my credit card is what the wife took after marriage. She was never interested in sex or was tired or had a head ache. That's the reason why she's gone now.
The problem is that you men haven't learned how to play the game properly. If y'all would just start thinking with the big head, you'll get what you want.

Us ladies learned how to play the game and yep, we got what we wanted.

Duh! Originally Posted by Lana Warren
Girl if we showed these guys how to wash the dishes, our income from married guys will decrease significantly.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Girl if we showed these guys how to wash the dishes, our income from married guys will decrease significantly. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

God forbid we teach them to pick up their dirty underwear off the floor.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
I've come down with a really horrible case of something or other.

I don't want to leave my comfort zone

My subconscious says no.

Uh, I have stuff to do.

I just got sick (right after you asked me).
Its scientifically proven that men who help out with household chores have happer wives. Happier wives lead to more sex. More sex leads toward a happy and long lasting marriage. If that doesnt work...

berkleigh's Avatar

Us ladies learned how to play the game and yep, we got what we wanted.

Duh! Originally Posted by Lana Warren

Hell, just rub my feet and tell me you love me every once in awhile, I can handle all the other stuff.
<rubbing Reese's feet with occasional love talk>
Hell, just rub my feet and tell me you love me every once in awhile, I can handle all the other stuff. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Did she say FEET?
Theres my problem, I was thinking of other things.
Like my Avatar. lol


PS: her sig line says:
Please check my calendar for availability.
Not you Copierguy0, lol
Say What's Avatar
Hell, just rub my feet and tell me you love me every once in awhile, I can handle all the other stuff. Originally Posted by Reese Foster

This so didn't work for me! I got home today, did the dishes, folded the laundry, and rubbed my SO's feet while she relaxed on the couch. When I tried to make an advance she wrinkled her nose and said, "I'm not in the mood, your hands smell like feet."
<rubbing Reese's feet with occasional love talk> Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996

Did she say FEET?
Theres my problem, I was thinking of other things.
Like my Avatar. lol


PS: her sig line says:
Please check my calendar for availability.
Not you Copierguy0, lol Originally Posted by Copierguy0
You can rub any part of me...

Actually it says, "Copierguy0, please check my calendar for availability"