Prayers for Boston

I lived in Boston for many years and I am heart broken that a tragedy like this could take place during an annual event like the Boston Marathon.
Miss39402's Avatar
It's really heartbreaking.
coast_encounter's Avatar
Senseless Violence.. -smh

When You Are Ready's Avatar
My thoughts and prayers go out to Boston. I, also, hope they catch the person or persons responsible.
vicinms's Avatar
I'll just never understand why low life, POS, scumbags target innocent people! Elementary schools, theaters, and now marathons - where wil it end?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Vic - it won't end. As long as there are "soft targets" and cowardly fanatics, this will continue. It is likely that their real goal is to cause increased security (and cost) and suspicion at all types of future events. That's how they win.

I hope the people who did this are found and publicly skinned alive - figuratively, of course. Can you tell that this makes me really mad?