Suspect Surrounded

coast_encounter's Avatar
Update, Looks like suspect # 2 he is now in Custody.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hiding in a boat in a woman's back yard - apparently bleeding...good!
biomed1's Avatar
Not bleeding good enough!

Be Careful & Enjoy!

When You Are Ready's Avatar
They are both cowards because they harm and kill the innoncent. In addition, they will mental scares that scores of people will carry for the rest of their lives.
I'm glad they apprehended him alive, it will interesting to see what, if anything, he says. You might think I'm a sick puppy, but....... I think it would be justified to take the members of the family who thought he was such a good boy and an angel who could do no harm or wrong, and see how long it takes that little bastard to blow up HIS family! We infidel Americans welcomed he and his extended family into our arms, gave them welfare benefits and admittance into the finest schools in the world, the opportunity to make a better life than that they would have in Chenchyna and this is how we are treated? We have to take drastic steps and reduce our way of life because nuts like this? We Americans may not be perfect in the eyes of some parts of the world, but we are, and always will be, the BEST damn country on the planet!
Here. Here. It is apparent that the rest of the world is angry at the West for their sucess in having freedoms that they do not and can not have. The mentality that is displayed in the "kill peole because you do not like the way they live" is for the most part a third world disiplay of ignorance. The good is that these two are off to see the wizard. They will not subject anyone to their sad and moronic way of thinking or doing. Bravo to our security forces...Let the rest of the world know that they can not change our way of living and if you end up bleeding in a boat or better yet....bleeding out.....................We are too good to these people...the fair thing to do would be to cut both his hands off in the town square and let him bleed out before an audience.......but first we will get him a barrister and make sure he is well fed and educated for many years before he even comes to trial...........Captain Blade