Two Cents: time related

Like many ladies, I will see multiple clients in one day. For some reason, I feel ashamed when clients ask me how many men I've seen that day.

What is an appropriate response? AND.... Do men really care?

I think its quite amusing because it seems almost biblical. If you had sex (way back in the old testament times) you had to wait X amount of days to go in the temple and pray. OR if you were a woman on her menses, you had to wait x amount of days since you were "unclean". Some people say that you need 2 hours between clients to get "clean"; other girls have told me that I should only see 1 man a day. I mean, does time make a person clean? Or does a shower and a good tooth brushing?
Combustion's Avatar
Seems pretty rude of clients to ask to me.

I would rather not know the answer, but I do care but only in the since that I'm young and have a very high sex drive if I'm number 3+ for the day (or back to back if their like me) it just isn't going to work that well as the girl will be to tired.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
To answer the 1st question..........Don't think it really matters and of course just be honest, he came to see you not the other way just may be the guy is nervous and doesn't know what to talk about with you aka conversation especially since you are about to get acquainted with someone on a certain level..........I have been guilty of that many times (you know foot in mouth syndrome). Now as far as being clean, well it just depends on you as a provider. If you feel you have prepared yourself for the client then thats all you really can do........Customer service - you can't please everyone all the the time. So in the end, don't sweat it. If you provide good quality service then the person will come back.....God bless a free market system.

Hope I was not too preachy...............
Mossman's Avatar
WOW seem to have a talent for bringing on hot button topics. Personally, I would find it in bad taste to ask a lady how many men she had seen before me. I mean we all know that the nature of the hobby dictates that a gal must see multiple partners in order to be solvent, but I'd rather not know what my number is that day. Luckily, I haven't been able to tell that someone just left before me. A lady can be fresh from the shower for any reason or none at all. I would think that any lady who would see you without appearing fresh would not have many repeat friends. Just $.02
Well, I know a guy that totally gets off to knowing Ive been with other men. He specifically asks that I email him on a day I have seen several clients so he can set up an appointment. So I do and he does! He likes to ask dirty things like "You like fucking lots of guys baby?" and Im like "yeah baby" lol To each his own.
Being one who asks a lot of questions, I expect an answer. However, "that is not a subject I talk about" is perfectly fine. I have even been told "It is none of your business." I have not problem with that and I would suggest that if you can not handle the blunt answers do not ask the prying questions.
Chuck12's Avatar
I dont know, unless its something like what pepper mentioned where it is a guys fetish, i dont see why a guy would ask how many guys you have been during the day. I think we all know the nature of the hobby and as for me, its dont ask dont tell and i dont care as long as the lady is ready to see me.

I dont think that the number of guys you can see or the time period in between seeing them is up to what you feel comfortable with and being clean when the guys sees you.
sanantonioman37's Avatar
In Peppers case, I guess some guys really get into that kind of fantasy. I agree, everyone knows what they are getting into, which ever side of the hobby your on. No matter what, don't feel ashamed or bothered by it. Just think of it as dealing with someone who is unaware of the proper etiquette and make it a teachable moment.
SpursFan's Avatar
I know of a gent who would get very upset if his lady saw anyone else but him on a given day.

To each their own.

As for me, I don't want to know how many guys have been on before or after me. The lady just needs to be fresh (showered), and smelling sweet.

Turing's Avatar
"In human relationships, kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths." Graham Greene

This is an interesting question. I think that the answer is going to depend on the service you are providing. If you have a client like the one Pepper mentions, and the fantasy is more the PSE variety, then why not provide an inflated estimate? On the other hand, if you have a client who is really seeking a GFE, then I would argue that a well-intentioned lie along the lines of "don't you know, you're the only one for me," with the right smile and air of insouciance, would be the appropriate response. In either case, I don't think that the truth is necessarily the right response. Honesty and plain dealing count for much in the business aspect of the transaction, but answering this question involves some other considerations.
Precious_b's Avatar
Of course you can always reply......

like pepper I have a few people I see that like to know how many I have seen ans what number they are. It adds to the excitement and the dirty talk if you ask me.
For some it is a fetish.. I have had a few that did not want me to clean up so they can do but like everyone has said... to each their own.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
An appropriate response to an inappropriate question???

Look him in the eyes and with a straight face, tell him he's lucky number 17 for the day.

I bet it cures him of asking that question again.

If he continues his questioning regarding your reply, just answer him with, "you ask a silly question, you get a silly answer"

Or you could just go with the standard, "A lady doesn't kiss and tell".

But I like my suggestion better.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-24-2010, 09:21 AM
All I know is that I'd rather be first.
I'd take SFK's first suggestion only AFTER you've received his

I learned a long time ago to request the 1st appointment of the day (even if that means bringing starbucks and taquitos).

What is fairly common is when I ask a gal "how's your trip coming?" I get told...

"It's going great, I have 9 appointments today and 8 tomorrow"....