Hey, You Owe $136,260!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yup, that's your share of the National Debt. Up about 50% during the Obama administration, but would have increased under McCain, too. No one in the Democrat or Republican parties have the balls to stop this crap. It's fun to use borrowed money to buy votes, a lot harder to pay that money back, when you might lose votes.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And I didn't even get a T-shirt.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-05-2012, 07:07 AM
Nor a kiss...
Yep; the national debt hit $16 trillion this week...........tick, tick, tick.

Yesterday's Democrat Convention was full of more spending, more government, more nanny state intrusions into our lives....no discussion of paying down debt, shrinking government to a sustainable level, no responsible leadership.....

Spend, spend, and more spend....all in the name of phony compassion.

And remember the DNC welcome video declaring "we all belong to government"....with this level of debt I would say our creditors owns us lock, stock and barrel (unfortunately it isn't our government, but the Chinese, Germans, and others).

Think what Washington, Jefferson, et al would be saying now.