wellendowed1911's Avatar
Here's an interesting video with a guy who helped craft both RomneyCare and Obamacare an even he admits they are very much the same: http://www.cnn.com/video/?hpt=hp_t2#...-obamacare.cnn

What makes me laugh is how Romney flat out denies that the two programs are polar opposites and everyone including his Republican rivals know they are virtually identical.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Romney was for it before he was against it, and now is for it again, unless he needs to be against it, otherwise he may be for it.
The major difference - and it is a BIG difference - is that Romney care is only enforceable in Massachussets, but Obamacare is mandated in all 50 states, even if the good citizens of Texas don't want it !

As a Federalist, I am ok with the states having the freedom to decide those kinds of government services.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I think Romney was for it before he was against it, and now is for it again, unless he needs to be against it, otherwise he may be for it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
butwith all due respect COG does Romney look like a fool for denying that they are mirror images of each other? He can say all he wants right now bt if he is the nominee he is going to have a tough time making a stance that the 2 are different.
I read from several sources that even though Romney won both primaries he really didn't gain a huge "Independent" vote which he will need in the big election.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If Romney is the nominee I don't think Obamacare or Romneycare will be part of the discussion.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The major difference - and it is a BIG difference - is that Romney care is only enforceable in Massachussets, but Obamacare is mandated in all 50 states, even if the good citizens of Texas don't want it !

As a Federalist, I am ok with the states having the freedom to decide those kinds of government services. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Hmmm only enforceable in Mass because he was the Governor of Mass and can't enforce laws in other states that is such a straw man's arugument. So WW if a future Governor of Texas wanted a mandate like that one you would be ok with it? And now you are a federalist LMFAO????
WW so were you ok with Rick Perry's "service" o a mandate to have girls receive the HPV vaccination?????
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just because it is constitutional for a state to enact something the federal government can't doesn't mean it is a good idea. Health care mandates are a bad idea, as are requiring the HPV vaccination.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Just because it is constitutional for a state to enact something the federal government can't doesn't mean it is a good idea. Health care mandates are a bad idea, as are requiring the HPV vaccination. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG I agree with your statement but apparently WW believes that just because a state enacts something it must be good- so WW by his own words- likes mandatory HealthCare only if the states approve them and not the government- is that right WW? Basically you have no problem with mandates are state run health care as along as states pick and choose if they want it our not?
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
markroxny's Avatar
Attachment 159299 Originally Posted by markroxny

Solvent for 8 more years? How does that happen when $700B was taken out of the program! LOL! Did they put your brain back in after they washed it?! LOL!

Sure, you can cover your kids until they're 26, but did you see your medical insurance premiums go up to cover that added service? Did you really think it was free?!

Pre-existing conditions? Really? Didn't you see how people got coverage for preexisting conditions before Odumbocare? People in employer sponsored plans got coverage for preexisting conditions and poor people had medicaid. Dumbass.....

Bad news for you! The 15 member panel has determined that you are too stupid to receive medical treatment for any type of care, including dental cleaning! Figuring you're so stupid that you're likely to die in some horrible stupidity related accident, they decided it was a waste of money to provide you any services.
markroxny's Avatar
Solvent for 8 more years? How does that happen when $700B was taken out of the program! LOL! Did they put your brain back in after they washed it?! LOL! Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
The same 700B Ryan takes out?

How does it become Solvent?

Ask Bill...

The same 700B Ryan takes out?

How does it become Solvent?

Ask Bill...

Originally Posted by markroxny

I didn't see that in Romney's plan. You like Bill Clinton? Read this:

He’s the only Democrat since FDR to win two full presidential terms, presiding over the longest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history. Unemployment, 7.5 percent when Clinton took office, was down to 4 percent when he left. The Dow Jones industrial average, which roughly charts the growth of pensions and retirement accounts, more than tripled on his watch. Even more stunning, the U.S. government was beginning to sustain the most serious budget surpluses in nearly a century.
But there is much irony in all of this: The great Clinton economy began when he embraced the essence of Reaganomics: tax cuts, spending restraint, welfare reform, free trade and the end of his own budget-crushing entitlement program, universal health care.
Clinton, it is mostly forgotten, was on the verge of becoming a failed president in his
first two years. Even the Democratic-controlled Congress had defeated his much touted stimulus package and an enormous hike in energy taxes. HillaryCare, the forerunner to Obamacare, was dead in the water by the summer of 1994, with the Senate Democrats hoisting the white flag on this signature issue on the eve of the Congressional elections.

Clinton’s most significant achievement was a huge but unpopular tax rate increase that Obama seems determined to duplicate. So unappealing was his record, the Republicans swept both houses of Congress in November for the first time in four decades.
Newt Gingrich, the political warrior who led the GOP comeback, was enthroned as House Speaker, poised to push through his Reaganite Contract with America. Clinton’s first term was in shambles and it was only half over.
A panicky president, consulting Dick Morris, then decided to steal from the Reagan
playbook, though neither Clinton nor Morris has ever given the iconic GOP president the credit he deserves. Slowly but surely Clinton began tacking to the right, (though he had embraced one Republican idea earlier, the NAFTA free trade pact). Beginning in 1995 he deep-sixed HillaryCare for good, then hinted he would work with Republicans on a decent balanced budget proposal. In an October 17 fundraiser in Houston, he signaled tax cuts were very much in play: “I think,” he conceded, “I raised them [taxes] too much.”

His most obsequious genuflection to the GOP came in his 1996 State of the Union address when he grandly pronounced–to roars of approval from the Republican lawmakers present–”The era of big government is over.”
Rhetorically, Clinton had surrendered to conservative ideology, but substance was to follow. In that same election year, he signed, with liberals howling in protest, a historic GOP welfare reform program, largely designed by Reagan’s own welfare expert, Robert Carleson. The initial results—which Clinton trumpeted at the Democratic Convention in 2000—were spectacular, with caseloads on the verge of falling like stones.
More Clinton concessions were to come. In August of 1997, the president signed a bipartisan balanced budget measure, packed with several critical Republican tax relief items, including a solid, pro-family middle-class tax cut that was in Gingrich’s Contract and had been relentlessly pushed by Christian activist Gary Bauer.
He even slashed Reagan’s tax burden on capital gains by nearly one-third (from 28 percent to 20 percent), embraced a serious decrease in estate taxes, backed several pro-business measures and created the Roth IRA retirement savings account, named after conservative Republican Sen. William Roth. The booming economy was also pushed along by two other little-noted factors: Alan Greenspan’s accommodating Federal Reserve policy and, in the words of former Congressional Budget Office Director June O’Neill, “the absence of legislation that meddled with the economy or that had major, long-run spending consequences on the budget.”
There was yet another beneficent outcome of these GOP-inspired programs: historic budget surpluses. The general prosperity brought in huge sums of revenues to the federal government. Income tax revenue soared.
The cap gains tax reduction generated billions of dollars more. The Social Security Trust Fund was beginning to overflow, due in large part to enactment of proposals by the Reagan created Greenspan Commission. The end of the Cold War, again, courtesy of Ronald Reagan, also permitted hefty cuts in military spending.
According to a jointly authored piece by Clinton’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his defense secretary (The Washington Post, Aug 10, 2000): “This ‘peace dividend,’ amounting to about $100 billion a year, has been a major contributor to the balanced budget that our economy now enjoys.”