Just the insane left breaking the law to harass and intimidate federal judges and their families at their homes

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The energy is markedly more negative outside Kavanaugh’s house. The anger has become much more palpable than outside any other justices’ house.

This is illegal. You can’t harass a judge in order to influence a decision. That’s what this mob is doing.


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No one has a First Amendment right to harass and intimidate federal judges and their families at their homes when they are deciding cases pending before them.

That’s a federal felony, for obstruction of justice.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is a lawless coward and disgrace.

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Jonathon Turley:

Today's "nonposition" of the White House on the targeting of justices at their homes is one of the lowest moments in American politics. We have finally hit the bedrock of rage in American politics. If neither the President nor the left can muster the courage to condemn such conduct, we have reached a tragic but familiar point in our politics

There are good-faith objections to this draft opinion. There are also good-faith questions of whether Congress can truly codify Roe. Those are worthy debates. Doxxing and harassing justices should have no place in such debates.

Psaki was asked what should have been an easy question on whether it is appropriate to target justices at their homes. She responded "I don't have an official U.S. government position on where people protest."

No one is doubting the legal right to protest but the appropriateness of targeting justices or judges at their homes should not be a difficult question of the Biden White House.
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Justice Samuel Alito has been moved to an undisclosed location with his family because of the leftist mob. The man is doing his job/constitutional duty and has to fear for his life/safety and that of his family. Senile Biden stays silent on the lawbreaking left.

This is a true insurrection. Not some tourists invited in on Jan 6. If Sonia Sotomayor had to pack up her family and leave her home for safety because conservatives didn't like an opinion, it would get January 6th level coverage.
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Senile Biden Silent As Leftist Insurrection At Supreme Court Makes Justices Flee

President Joe Biden remained silent over the weekend as pro-abortion rioters threatened churches and terrorized Supreme Court justices in effort to intimidate members of the high bench over a potential reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Law enforcement officials in New York and Pittsburg beefed up weekend security for churches after a shady radical pro-abortion group, Ruth Sent Us, called on supporters to picket religious institutions, especially Catholic ones. In Boulder, Colo., a Catholic church was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti Tuesday night, although it’s unclear who’s responsible for the damage.

The same group rallied its supporters to protest at the six right-leaning Supreme Court justices’ homes. Those are the justices most likely to concur with a majority opinion overturning the landmark decision in Roe that forced states to allow abortion access until the moment of birth.

including a link to the justices’ suspected addresses. Stipends were offered to artists who joined their crusade of judicial intimidation, which is explicitly prohibited under federal law as obstruction of justice. Proponents of abortion picketed at the justices’ homes anyway.
On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki endorsed the activists’ intimidation tactics. The radical protestors’ website giving the alleged addresses of Supreme Court justices has since been taken down by Google.

berryberry's Avatar
Everyone knows those Libtard and Antifa thugs are breaking federal law by showing up at judges’ homes

And nothing will happen to them, bc they are the street thugs of the regime
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Now we have the insane libtard Mayor of Chicago calling for an armed insurrection. Democrats - the party of violence

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This is a violation of federal law. Senile Biden is literally encouraging an insurrection.

Psaki: “We certainly continue to encourage [protests] outside of judges’ homes”


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You know the libtards are insane when Senile Biden's DHS puts out this warning but then excuses it at the end:

@DHSgov : Pro-abortion extremists are threatening to burn down or storm the Supreme Court and murder justices and their clerks. But this "generalized philosophic embrace of violent tactics does not constitute domestic violent extremism or illegal activity."

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US Marshals have been deployed to the homes of SCOTUS Justices because of credible death threat against all 6 Republican appointees and their clerks.

Does that sound like an “insurrection” to you?