Anyone in need:

During this time it has been hard for many.
I do not have money to give as I myself am doing bad, but I do have a vehicle and time.
I will volunteer my time to delivery of anything to those at risk or afraid to go out. Please pm for any help or questions.
I practice discretion and do NOT have to have contact.
If you want to help someone and need it to be picked up and delivered, please allow me to help.
DallasRain's Avatar
How sweet...yre a class act!
I always try and help my fellow people. Humanity is at an all time low.
I always try and help my fellow people. Humanity is at an all time low. Originally Posted by Issabella Monroe
I disagree with you on that! I've been out very little but I haven't seen blatant rudeness or craziness in my travels or shopping. But maybe I overlook it and try to remember that people are stressed out with the unknown. But I'm a half full personality as opposed to half empty.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I have reached out to a few
To see if they where social
Distancing now only in a effort to see what caliber
They where. I currently not
Seeing anyone. And probably
Won't till after my yearly
Health wellness exam got
To keep my insurance premiums
Low. Other wise I am completely healthy
Love me some izzy!@!!
Love you too boo.
All I was trying to do was offer some help to people. I am sorry that this gesture offends you all.
CatMan4u's Avatar
You didn't offend me
I thought it was very good of
You to offer and I deeply appreciate your kindness towards others in fact it makes me see you in a different light and respect you more
I didn't want clout. I wanted to actually help people. I should be used to this hate I get. Just disappointed and disgusted.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I was only trying to compliment you on your kindness and will needs to help I personally think that offer was admiral of you
Now I will shut up
Bigdaddy loves ya Izzy!
Izzy, I wasn't hating on you. I just disagree about humanity at an all time low. I thought your offer to help someone in need was very thoughtful. Always nice to see someone try to help others.
I'll just limit what I say or how much I engage on here. But ok.
CatMan4u's Avatar
Hey Izzy cheer up I know you are probably not busy due to this virus thing. And your reaching out trying to help but remember your beautiful and sexy and very desireadle and this will pass I have read reviews and other posts about you and from you
please when ever I get to
the Little Rock area I ll
Look you up and we can
go out for a meal