Question about reviews..

cowboy.jon's Avatar
Please excuse the newbie question but I am trying to get more involved in this hobby. I have only been with two providers, twice with my first one. The first was in February 2014 then again with the same provider sometime in the summer in dallas. The second was in october 2014 in topeka ks.
Q1. So is there a deadline on how much time goes by before posting a review?
Q2. Does each city page have its own review posting area that corresponds to where you met the provider?

Thanks in advance

You can post a review of a Provider anytime. However, if it's 30 days past the date you saw her you will not receive Premium Access Credit for it. Also, be prepared for the Mongers to flame you a little if you post a review of a Provider you saw in January in June. Especially if the Provider is no longer around or has changed rates, menu since you've seen her. Current reviews are best for your fellow mongers to make an informed decision on who they wish to spend their hard earned money on.

Each City has their own area for posting reviews of Providers. When you log on scroll down the main page and you will see the list of cities/areas.

Please post your reviews in the correct category be it Independent, Agency, AMP/Studio, other.

Happy hunting & be safe.
cowboy.jon's Avatar
Thanks for the response Von, will be more Iinclined to post reviews