Enough is foooking enough!

This is my only time addressing this bullshit so here it goes. Most of you cats were bullied as foook as kids, so was I, so why do you'll incessantly come at me. A part, very small, gives a minor shit but I'm not that impresionable kid I used to be. I jokingly used a persona at first that I shouldn't have, changed that. Started too many threads , changed that. Like this shit is boring in Coed unless I post something I honestly believe. I have tried to appease you cats and somewhat be accepted in the community although I don't give a foook to no avail. Look, I really wish the best for everyone. It's all love here. If you don't like someone you don't know on a stripper board based on buying pussy then the problem lies with you. And honestly if I gave a foook about impressing anyone on this board I would foooking really be depressed. We buy pussy man. Like really no one respects that shit no matter how you spin it. Even the providers don't really cut for us, we are a foooking means to getting great money, period. I've been in the clubs for years. If you really knew the back story; it would make you gulp about the boyfriend's women choose in this life . There is no pussy buyers Hall of foooking fame, I'm just like you'll a lonely dude buying affection an hour at a time. If you are a dude with an significant other, well heh start by going home to your foooking wife then possibly I'll listen to you. You can't even respect that committment and that's okay because I'm a fuck up too, but don't say shit about me or what I post. If it falls within the rules foooking let me be. I love you'll, we are all stumbling through this world fighting our urges no matter how much money you think you have. Love. Tooodlez....
Shine.....Since you have been on this board....you mostly start a ton of Bullshit threads and seem to enjoy stirring the pot. You like the attention. You keep feeding the fire and many here are happy to help.

You've started threads like this before but then you go right back to the bullshit. Everyone knows there are two shines. Pick the one you really want to be and stick with it and shit can the other. If your serious and I don't know if you are or not......I hope you pick the shine that started this thread.
This is just my advice and it doesn't mean shit on a hooker board.
dowork2012's Avatar
Damn bro, don’t let people on a whore board get to you.

Stop posting...problem solved!!
Whatever happened to that "swan song"??
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You made a posting on another site that indicates you've been around since 2000-2001.

If so, if you would quit playing stupid little games, you may get some respect.
I'm done foooking around with you'll. I got a bad ex wife who's drawssss I would lick if she forgave me. Im n I t really in this zone anymore because I'm a reasonably attractive dude with a still hard dick and I can still see my dick without lifting folds of fat so I'm going after my ex-wife. You'll keep arguing on this thread. I'm good. Tooodlez
  • pxmcc
  • 02-15-2019, 11:10 PM
shine just go easy on starting a bunch of threads and you're golden. you can comment as much as you want on other people's threads, but if you "spam" coed, you will probably get heat from mods and have to deal with trolling by people who don't like you. quality not quantity is where it's at, good sir..

edit: Tooodlez..
oilman12's Avatar
"Pussy Buyers Hall of Fooking Fame"... LMAO!! Some tricks on here think so though.. I could name a few right off the bat lol
JJ8901's Avatar
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"