
Ladies...and gentlemen, why do some get upset when our friends, family, kids...etc basically people in the RW judge us for this, but turn around and judge each other worse?
Eccie judges BP, BP judges Mocospace...and so on and so on...This seems so disrespectful. Who are we to judge..lol
I charge X amount of dollars, so I am better than so and so that doesn't. Or I stay in an apartment, so I am better than a girl that stays in a hotel, Or I stay in an expensive hotel so I am better than the girl who stays in a Motel6. Makes no difference,we are all equal unless you are robbing or raping....Who are we to hop on our high horse

Just saying...any opinions

In the end, my thought is "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!" and he way here all day when I sucked dick. Stop judging ITS NOT YOUR JOB. Remember who you are and where you came from....You are not better than anyone else, your are simply blessed. JUST SAYING
mayorcastro's Avatar

In the end, my thought is "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!" and he was here all day when I sucked dick. Originally Posted by CashmereLove
I agree 100% with CashmereLove.
CashmereLove: Unfortunately, that's how the human race is. We all want what other people have instead of being happy with what we've been given. Like I told you the other day, fuck the haters. You're a very sweet person!
Like I told you the other day, fuck the haters. You're a very sweet person! Originally Posted by Milfhunter1
I have another idea - DON'T fuck the haters!!
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 07-25-2014, 09:14 PM
Eccie judges BP, BP judges Mocospace...and so on and so on...... Who are we to judge..lol Originally Posted by CashmereLove
a while ago I made a judgement call to avoid providers who advertise on BP and aren't verified providers here on eccie or p411.

why? cause I hated having to deal with seeing the pictures of a provider and being mislead and thinking she was as attractive or appealing as the woman in the pictures. And then I have the crappy feeling that my money was poorly spent. Same goes for amps and craiglist.

I've also made a judgement call to avoid moco space. Why? When I read all the alerts posted, I've determined I'm going to mitigate my risk and avoid running into a situation where the provider is packing heat and robs me!!

providers make judgement calls all the time as well. They make judgement calls not to see clients who are younger than "X" age, clients of a certain race, or clients who don't have provider references or provider references they actually know and trust. Why? To protect themselves as well.

Makes no difference,we are all equal ... Originally Posted by CashmereLove
sorry but some providers are better than others. Some providers have better looks, some providers have better TCB skills, some providers have a better menu which is why we as guys write our reviews to inform one another who we recommend.
Theres a difference between a judgement call and a judgement. I understand what u mean when you talk about jydgement calls..ie calculated risks and choices. But simply judging another as a human being and feeling superior as a person is what i mean,not as a service provider. Huge difference

And YES I am a WHORE..now where is your meme SIR ;-)
I dunno I think part of having pride and morals is having a clear line of what you feel your too good for.

Like some feel they are too valuable to do gfe because that's their moral standard.

Always will be differing opinions on self worth.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 07-25-2014, 09:42 PM
Theres a difference between a judgement call and a judgement.... Originally Posted by CashmereLove
lolz, wuht, its still a judgement.

noun: judgement
the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.

example: I have made a decision not to see BP, CL, AMP, or MOCO providers who are not also verified on eccie or p411 based on the fact that providers who advertise there have a recorded history of having a limited menu of sexual choices and also use false advertising in their pictures.

But simply judging another as a human being and feeling superior as a person is what i mean,not as a service provider. Huge difference Originally Posted by CashmereLove
OHHHHHHH my bad, I guess misread the part of your original post:

Ladies...and gentlemen, why do some get upset when our friends, family, kids...etc basically people in the RW judge us for this, but turn around and judge each other worse?
Eccie judges BP, BP judges Mocospace...and so on and so on...This seems so disrespectful. Who are we to judge..lol
you see in that context I kind of read it as a client judging the worth or suitability of a provider who advertises on BP, and MOCOSPACE as opposed to eccie.

Or maybe even a provider judging the worth or suitability of a client who only sees providers from BP and MOCOSPACE as opposed to eccie.

thanks for clarifying
I have another idea - DON'T fuck the haters!! Originally Posted by OldYeller
You may have misunderstood what I meant by "fuck the haters".
I dunno I think part of having pride and morals is having a clear line of what you feel your too good for.

Like some feel they are too valuable to do gfe because that's their moral standard.

Always will be differing opinions on self worth. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
I am not saying don't understand and stand for what you feel is your self worth. I am simply saying don't judge someone else if their opinions differ from yours...
CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
Originally Posted by mayorcastro
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You may have misunderstood what I meant by "fuck the haters". Originally Posted by Milfhunter1


so the answer is
fuck me like you hate me crazy bitch
Doglegg's Avatar
Good conversation piece Cashmere.

Pointing fingers and throwing stones has been around since Cain and Abel.

In one's own mind, putting someone else down raises one's own self-worth, false as it may be.

Hookers that scramble day to day to make ends almost meet are looked down upon by the girls that are able to make it week by week and those suffer from the one's making it month by month.

For the guys that can hobby four to five time per week with $500 girls, shake their heads at guys that struggle to afford the $100 girls.

If I were to judge MOCO girls as being less than ECCIE girls that would get a laugh out of the guys and girls that know who advertises on MOCO, BP, and ECCIE at the same time.

I get what you are saying and I too wish it were different, but the majority of the time when I see some guy in a Bimmer, I will point my finger and say out loud "that guy's an asswipe' and wait a couple of seconds to be proven right.

Finger pointing is a human condition.

Again Cash thanks for a good topic.


Ladies...and gentlemen, why do some get upset when our friends, family, kids...etc basically people in the RW judge us for this, but turn around and judge each other worse?
Eccie judges BP, BP judges Mocospace...and so on and so on...This seems so disrespectful. Who are we to judge..lol
I charge X amount of dollars, so I am better than so and so that doesn't. Or I stay in an apartment, so I am better than a girl that stays in a hotel, Or I stay in an expensive hotel so I am better than the girl who stays in a Motel6. Makes no difference,we are all equal unless you are robbing or raping....Who are we to hop on our high horse

Just saying...any opinions

In the end, my thought is "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!" and he way here all day when I sucked dick. Stop judging ITS NOT YOUR JOB. Remember who you are and where you came from....You are not better than anyone else, your are simply blessed. JUST SAYING Originally Posted by CashmereLove
A judgement thread from someone with a NBA policy

Ain't that a bitch