Old Requests on screening

Hey everyone!

I have gotten a few requests from some gents on P411 asking for okays but the "date" was from a long time ago. I had to just decline one right now because I don't have his email or phone in my gmail, which it would be had I seen him.

If it was a mistake and the gent is reading, please send more information. I know we only get a few mins, maybe an hour together, but please guys be a little more descript in your recollection of our time together. Saying that I said some random line, or giving me a general area of our date doesn't help me that much. And if your number changed, please don't forget to put that there as well to help me search.

As always, I'm very reference friendly and take it seriously so just asking for a little more assistance

Thanks everyone! Hope everyone's having a fantastic Hump Day!
ck1942's Avatar
imo references (OK's too) shouldn't be any older than max of 90 days in the case of social vouches.

P411 might have their own rules, but idk.