
Dice man1983's Avatar
Ok a few weeks ago I was in H town. I saw a provider I wanted to see. She asked to see a pic of my driver license. Sent the pic but blocked out my DL number. I got no response. Would providers be scared off by this??? After all your DL# is almost important as your SS#. Ladies did I MESS UP???
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Dice man personal choice,but I wouldn't share such sensitive info.,with anyone,unless she was willing to do the same. Be safe, don't allow the little head,cloud your judgement. JS
My personal thoughts on screening...

Screening is at the buyer's comfort level. I screen for my perceived safety AND, once you decide to share your information with me, I am a source of reference so you may never have to share your RW info again. For the client, truth is, I am just as safe now that I screen as I was before I screened. But that is me, a person who has ZERO malice towards a client and who would never take advantage of a professional relationship. A girl who may not be as ethical may pose a bigger risk. Again, it is on the buyer to research and make a decision.

Funny that all of us girls know (or at least SHOULD know) that we NEVER share our RW identity. Why is there a discussion from the client's perspective? The only answer I can come up with is that we (providers) offer experiences that are worth some risk. PEOPLE ARE CONSTANTLY TAKING RISKS TO EXPERIENCE SOMETHING AND TO FEEL GOOD. As providers, we are offering that experience and, it's up to the buyer to find a provider that will give him the safest way into this world.


Dice man1983's Avatar
Thanks ladies I understand that YOUR SAFTEY is a must, after all I had a few problems with a d bag on here. But me personally would rather find a provider that gives reff. But one that I could see every few weeks. It would be easier for me between work, training, and school.
mayorcastro's Avatar
I wouldn't even have done that. There are plenty others especially in Houston.
Dice man1983's Avatar
Yeah I know, was thinking with the little head. I have life lock so I should be fine.... I hope
Dakota123's Avatar
There are a lot of ways to be screened. Every lady is different. Some are high security. Some are low. Some have none....
However... When a client from other sites asks me for alt screening, their option is to send me a "blocked" view of their license and a peek at their "blocked" paycheck stub just to verify their name.... Nothing more.... But I rarely do that as even that isn't very safe....
My alternate screening is rather.....invasive and requires a screening date if they pass the first round. I'm not really newbie friendly.

It's purely for my comfort and safety so if they don't want to submit themselves to it then I don't take it personally and bear no ill will. Just like with hobbyists,"safe" providers may start bad habits/pick up a bad crowd and change into someone no one should trust.

I do hope the lady is trustworthy and you suffer no ill effects from your decision.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I ask that usually if you can't give references. I do delete the email but you are taking my word for it so I understand if you don't want to. I also give the option of meeting with some one and then looking at the license. Some gentleman are not comfortable with that. I harbor no ill will. Every lady is different. And you have your own comfort zone.
Giving an alternative view on why she might not have hit you back...

Maybe she saw your ID and knew you? Or screened you and found it to be too risky to see you? Maybe she should have PMed back and politely declined but that could be what happened. PM her and ask. If she doesn't respond, move on to the next.

I've had gentlemen send me their ID, some marked out their DL, some didn't. It is really your choice and is offered as an alternative when one doesn't have references.
Joe Buck's Avatar
I have never had anyone request to see my ID and if someone asked me to send them a copy of it I do not think I would be comfortable doing so.
Dice man1983's Avatar
No Tracey she didn't know me from Adam. I look at some of her reviews and a few had the same problem. I think I was just to handsome for her....., LOL JK. I'd rather stick to home
hmmm... well, there are more fishies in the eccie pond! Happy fishing!