How important is a sense of humor as an escort?

Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 08-29-2014, 10:31 AM
It's getting a little rough around here so I thought I'd look for some humor in what we do in this little world of ours. I ran across this article and I have to say, I found it very interesting.

An escort’s lifestyle consists of daily challenges ranging from scheduling obstacles to unpleasant clients, in addition to normal irritations that are bound to happen to anyone. And, like any other career where you deal with people, a sense of humor is required in order to keep the peace and your sanity. Escorting is a profession that puts you into any number of awkward situations, causes you to have to think on your feet and requires a great deal of patience to get through encounters , little lone an entire day.
Read on at the link above. I think the article hits the nail on the head for me. Outside of the physical, a gal with a sense of humor always gets my attention and repeat attention. I've had "awkward encounters" like early on forgetting to bring the envelope in and panicking a little bit. My companion for that hour handled it with grace and humor, but also made sure I knew I had better take care of the situation. Needless to say, I never made that mistake with her, or anyone, else, again. And yes, I continued to see her until she moved out of state.

Any funny stories of awkward situations, hobbyists and providers alike?
bigjimt52's Avatar
I see one that tells me she enjoys our time together cause I make her I guess I have a sense of humor too...she does to....she laughs at herself and some of the stuff she does
I LOVE a girl who is witty, pretty, and skilled in the arts of love. Good humor (and sense of humor) is a major plus!
blasphemouse's Avatar
Laughter and pleasure...? Sign me up NAO please!
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 08-29-2014, 11:20 AM
I found this one particularly funny...

1. Sex is funny. There is no doubt about the fact that anything that involves bodily fluids, natural body noises and weird limb positioning is going to be humorous. Even though sex and physical intimacy is a very serious issue, especially when pleasure is concerned, there are many things about sex that are often perceived as funny when you’re in the middle of the act. Escorts see their clients contort and twist their faces in odd ways during the point of climax, which is sometimes extremely funny. Sounds associated with sex are often embarrassing (vaginal flatulence, or queefs, and a client’s strange grunting noises). But, the embarrassment can often be laughed away with a simple joke or smile. Escorts may become impatient with their client’s proclamations during orgasm (“Oh, God, Oh, God!!!”), but they can usually become much more tolerant when they are able to find humor in their words. Actually a ridiculous physical act when you really think about it, sex is hilarious, and escorts have a front-row seat to all the action.
Farting is just funny!

I found this one particularly funny... Originally Posted by Netx9
Clients look for an escort who can have fun. An integral part of having fun is laughing. Light-hearted encounters are often just what many clients are looking for....Taking a break with someone who easily finds humor in the world is like a mini vacation
Nice read netx..aside from the good laughs, having fun I found to be the most important out of the whole thing. And vacations are awesome!
I am in the hobby for two things the sex and to have a fun time. My hobby motto has always been that we part thinking we had a fun time. I search out the ladies that have a sense of humor.
One funny time with Emerald7 at a clothing counter. I handed Em the credit card and told her to put the clothes on it. A lady standing behind me asked if she was my daughter. My reply was " no she is my sugar baby". The cashier was laughing so hard she had to bend down behind the counter. The lady that asked the stupid question was speech less.
Another time after spending several hours with a delightful woman we were headed out of the hotel. We met her SO entering the hotel. I have known her SO for quite a while but still this was an awkward moment. I did what I thought was proper and said hi and shook his hand.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 08-29-2014, 11:51 AM
Another time after spending several hours with a delightful woman we were headed out of the hotel. We met her SO entering the hotel. I have known her SO for quite a while but still this was an awkward moment. I did what I thought was proper and said hi and shook his hand . Originally Posted by tucson
... And where had your hand just been?
I love to laugh, and look for humor all around me at all times, even BCD. I've shared many laughs with many ladies and already have a great file of memories to last my lifetime.

A particular favorite was with MarilynMILF. She had a selection of condoms of different colors and randomly grabbed a black one and put it on me. I looked down and blurted out the first thought that came to me: "My God, you've given me what every man wants - a big black dick!!" She was laughing so hard that we basically had to start all over again. Good times!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
The most memorable encounters have been those that are lighthearted, full of laughter and mutual pleasure.Great sense of humor and conversation add to the total experience.
A late night after a wild party the two of us setting in bed naked and hungry. We found some hamburgers and fries from early that evening. We were laughing and eating the cold leftovers. We used the last of the catsup so I wiped what was left in the package on her hooter and continued to dip my fries in her pussy. When we get together to this day we still laugh about that night.
Bob McV's Avatar
I think to be a good one it sure helps. and to be one I want to see it is a must!
I have scheduled with a lady that I have never met for the Hollow Weeine party. I feel we will hit it off good because we have talked on the phone for hours and I can hear her sense of humor and the fact she is quick to catch my silly puns.