MAGA movement widely unpopular

rmg_35's Avatar
Maga movement has a negative 21% net rating in the poll. Only 24% view maga as positive while 45% view it negative. Only 12%of independent view it positively, while 45% day they have negative views.

Other interesting points: maga is not popular with white males and those less educated...imagine that. Higher educated, young adult, women are putting up with woke policies and abortion policies, basically hate and control.
rmg_35's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Almost like 70% of his own party doesn’t want him to run again. Oh wait….
I don’t doubt this poll but I suspect you’d get similar results if you asked people about their thoughts about the woke/progressive movement. It is a false dichotomy to assume that the unpopularity of the most extreme ideas on one side of the political divide implies that the most extreme ideas on the opposite side must be popular. America in genre has always been mostly a centrist nation. I suspect that hasn’t really changed.

I’m not sure how we got to the point where there seems to be a severe disconnect between the candidates that are nominated for offices and the fundamental beliefs of the centrist majority. We seem to almost always be faced with “lesser of the evils” choices as both parties run out candidates that appeal to the extremes. Probably some combination of parties purging “impure” members from leadership and media coverage. Centrist candidates don’t get media coverage because they are too boring. Whatever you can say about Trump, and opinions differ depending on partisan affiliation, I think one thing that we can have bipartisan agreement on is that he certainly isn’t boring. Centrists generally don’t make controversial or inflammatory statements that the media can covwe and use to generate clicks and viewers, so they get ignored to a large degree. Once a centrist gets into a primary they continue to be ignored, fail to generate any momentum and go away fairly rapidly.

Then there’s the purge of impure candidates. This has happened on both sides but the first real example I can recall came from the left with Joe Lieberman. He agreed with the Democratic agenda on just about everything, and even was Gore’s VP candidate. By the 2004 primary he was an afterthought. Why? He supported Bush on his invasion of Iraq. That’s it; one disagreement with the party and out you go, at least as a significant candidate for party leadership. That’s just one example off the top of my head, but there used to be liberal “Rockefeller” Republicans. There used to be “Blue Dog” Democrats. Those seem to be extinct species these days, and I think we are worse off for it.

We do get the government we deserve though. We as a people have gotten away from the idea of compromise and getting some of what we want in return for giving up something to the other side. We have now gotten into a “we want it all” type mentality and politics has become a zero sun game. We’ve gotten away from problem solving and into battle winning, and that probably is the true root cause of the issue.
HDGristle's Avatar
Excellent points
Almost like 70% of his own party doesn’t want him to run again. Oh wait…. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Well, sure... but trump can't win without a wide swath of Independent voters. He pulled the wool over a lot of people's eyes in 2016. It'll never happen again. Especially now with a large percentage of Republicans who admit they're done with his bullshit.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Interesting point, when the current guy slobbering up the Lincoln Bedroom sheets is in in the 30s with independents.
Trump's Cult of Ignorance is thankfully on the decline. He won't even be able to beat Biden. He might not even win the Republican nomination. It would be great if he ran as an independent.
Almost like 70% of his own party doesn’t want him to run again. Oh wait…. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Who are you referring to here?
Interesting point, when the current guy slobbering up the Lincoln Bedroom sheets is in in the 30s with independents. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
That's enough to win a general election. trump is in the low teens. Lol.