TaylorAmore is here!!

Hey everyone! I am brand new here to eccie! I wanted to introduce myself I am 25 I am from the southhills of Pittsburgh P.A.. just wanted to say hello & check everything out !! Any advice or tips is appreciated
Hey everyone! I am brand new here to eccie! I wanted to introduce myself I am 25 I am from the southhills of Pittsburgh P.A.. just wanted to say hello & check everything out !! Any advice or tips is appreciated Originally Posted by BlueEyedTaylor
Hello, welcome to ECCIE.

This is your local section: Pittsburgh Forums

I see that you're already an upgraded female account, great job getting that out of the way.

I suggest glancing over the Forum and Image guidelines, if you're ever not sure it's a sure place to check. Link is in my signature.

Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Welcome aboard hon!
Thank you girl ❤️!!