The "Old Days"

I know some of you have been in the hobby for many many years.
I have chatted with clients about how things have changed over the years in various ways; some good some bad. The ettiquett, the process, the sessions. The participants, the rules, etc.
For example, it used to be customery for the gent to have the donation in a plain, white envelope. I rarely see this happen. What do you think has changed? Would you like it if some things changed back to "the Good Ole Days?"
Have fun y'all
mojoworkin's Avatar
The old days weren't so good. My first few hobby dates were from ads in the back of The Pitch weekly. No pictures, sight unseen. A real crap shoot. Some good, some not so good. I had one nightmare experience, that would take an hour to tell about. No crime or violence, just bizarro weirdness with a hot chick. Believe me, sites like Eccie, or even BP, are better than the old days.
Well, obviously the internet has improved the hobby for the better. I guess I meant more like how the "rules" have changed. Attitudes, etiquette, and the other details of this fantasy world. Other than the internet, would you like to go back?
DallasRain's Avatar
well the old days sucked....
I can remember in my 30's & 40's working for an agency in Oregon & Montana....I would keep a bag with extra clothes in it in my car....I must have left over 100 houses nekkid or half nekiid in that 10 year time span! Once I even left a hotel with panties/tshirt & shoes only! The agency never screened and never gave right info to the guy on who I was.....once I went out to a guys house in the middle of BFE and there were 5 nekkid guys inside waiting for a GB..I got the hell outta there quick!

I so prefer independence and keeping myself safe!
I agree. It's never been better with celphones, the internet, ECCIE and BP which have made everything easier.

While I did well in the old days, it took many tries and many months to find a regular. When she retired, then back to the same old grind of calling and tryouts.

On the phone everyone lied about their age, weight, prices, hair color, etc. I think a forerunner to ECCIE was something called Gabby's and there was something else also but I cannot recall its name. They helped but it wasn't anything nearly as well organized as ECCIE. I wound
up turning away many young women who were not as they claimed to be.

Technology is wonderful and I have never been happier in the last 10+ years.
I forgot. I got two of my regulars from direct recommendations from ECCIE members in private messaging. I've been with one maybe 10 years and the other for 3+ years. Thank you!
well the old days sucked....
I can remember in my 30's & 40's working for an agency in Oregon & Montana....I would keep a bag with extra clothes in it in my car....I must have left over 100 houses nekkid or half nekiid in that 10 year time span! Once I even left a hotel with panties/tshirt & shoes only! The agency never screened and never gave right info to the guy on who I was.....once I went out to a guys house in the middle of BFE and there were 5 nekkid guys inside waiting for a GB..I got the hell outta there quick!

I so prefer independence and keeping myself safe! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I thought you'd like the gang bang. Sorry. :-)
AmberFoxxz's Avatar
I thought you'd like the gang bang. Sorry. :-) Originally Posted by royamcr

DallasRain's Avatar
Lol.not with those guys. They were all like something straight outta Deliverence lol something straight outta Deliverence lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
Thanks, Dallas... LOL

OK, everyone who now has the banjo rift running through their head, raise your hand...
DallasRain's Avatar
Lol yep...row faster I hear banjos!

I luv the new days
xomissmiab's Avatar
Well, obviously the internet has improved the hobby for the better. I guess I meant more like how the "rules" have changed. Attitudes, etiquette, and the other details of this fantasy world. Other than the internet, would you like to go back? Originally Posted by SweetSuzanna
It’s mostly Bp guys who are really bad with etiquette & attitude . “Aye, Yo, Whats Up” is how the majority like to introduce themselves, really grinds my gears . And reading is fundamental , I put location & other important info in bp ads, but it seems like they only understand phone number sequences lol
sjohnlewis's Avatar
Ah the old days: In 1972 I found a nice lady during a visit to the block across from Barney Allice Plaza. It is now a big Hotel. Then it was a strip of bars with a couple of massage parlors. I had a nice time for $10, but that was when $10 was $10. Later that year another lady charged $20.

In the 50's the joke was, what color is a 50 cent piece? The answer, black; white ladies charged more. That joke was probably not a joke to some people - even then, but it reflected the times when the schools were not yet integrated, and the attitudes were very different.
Anyone remember Magic Touch downtown?