I'm really starting to dislike the 4th of July.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My 70 pound mixed breed hound dog has just run into the bathroom and nosed the door closed behind him. Even his favorite treats aren't stopping him from shaking and barking.

This has been going on with him for the past 3 years. Happens some on New Year's Eve as well.

Fireworks are being heard everywhere. Or gunshots.

I was driving in from east Texas last evening and there were obvious drunk drivers while driving south on I30. This morning, while just driving up the street, one car was swerving on the 2 lane road at 11 AM.

What happened to cookouts with family, watermelon, swimming and just having some at-home fun? Doesn't seem like people do anything special anymore for this holiday.

Most of us are just too damn tired, perhaps.

I swear, it seems as if the pranks and poor behavior seems to manifests itself on Independence Day and not Halloween.

Either way, Love that we're able to celebrate one!

Happy 4th,
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I have two doggies, same problems with fireworks.

I try to keep the TV volume high, but it don't help all the time.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Someone in the neighborhood was setting off fireworks. The very very loud kind. Not the kind that flies into the air and it's all pretty and sparkly. The kind that makes a loud boom, louder than a gunshot and a car backfiring. For almost 2 hours all we heard was loud booms, one after another. Sound like bombs exploding. I went outside and couldn't tell where they were at because it was the kind of fireworks that didn't fly up into the air. One of our cats was hiding under the bed the whole time.
A friend who sits dogs in his home (think having 7 dogs) says his approach on 4 July is to turn YouTube dog videos on with the sound cranked up as well as putting pillows around windows to mute the sound. Says works well.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
All the drink texter's at 1 2 3 4am
I had like 4 texts from 4 drunks ..
but ya same here I heard lots of noise around my house
The poor dogs have to put up with the noise .
DallasRain's Avatar
in my neighborhood you cant shoot off BIG fireworks...but you can do the small versions....so it hstarts the week of and goes till the week aftetr!
one4all00's Avatar
I load mine up for a field trip away from the known big displays, it can make a big difference
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
Last night I let one of my doggies out at 10 PM,someone set off a big thunder-boomer off, probably a half a mile away. Doggie bolted back to the door in record time.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
We heard there was a 4 car accident with injuries Thursday night on one of the road by our neighborhood when some of those shitheads with fireworks throwd them at passing cars. The shitheads ran away before the cops got there. I hope they catch those shitheads. It's like when you hear about fuckheads kids that throw rocks from a busy highway overpasses and someone in a car gets killed. The law need to take everyone of those fuckheads and throw them down on a busy highway from a overpass and see how good are they are playing live Frogger.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^Yeah I'm starting to dislike ALL holidays people just are getting way to stupid just no sense anymore.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Motherfuckers were still setting off those very loud fireworks last night at around 1 am. I was in bed and asleep already when they fucking woke me up. I wish I know where they live in this neighborhood. You can't call the police cause you don't know where those motherfuckers live at to send the police to.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 07-29-2019, 10:29 AM
Thundershirt. https://www.thundershirt.com/?gclid=...hoCSOMQAvD_BwE Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
Yes. I thought these were a gimmick for years, but I recently got one for my dane and it's amazing. She sleeps right through thunderstorms now. 4th of July was a piece of cake.

Thunder vests are magic.
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
Does that thunder shirt work on humans?