Useless News Reporting

billw1032's Avatar
I don't mean to minimize the seriousness of today's events at the Walmart in El Paso. It certainly is an important and newsworthy event. But...

At least two cable channels seem to have suspended normal programming to provide continuous coverage of the "breaking news". The thing is, after the initial surge of information came out there has been precious little more to report. They drag out any "expert" they can find to comment on the event, but it's all stuff we've heard many times before. The real new news could be covered in a five-minute update every hour or half-hour. Otherwise, it's just an excuse for the reporter/substitute anchor to ad-lib and hear himself talk.

Also, when these events happen they always go to the news conference held by the "authorities". Often there isn't much new said there. It's just a chance for the politicians to get in front of the microphone and say "I'd like to thank the governor for his support, the mayor, the police chief, and on and on..."

Where is the sense of REAL news reporting these days? I don't see the point of taking up air time just to hear the anchor and whatever guests they could dredge up on a moment's notice go on and on and on...
LuvHerMadlyEverytime's Avatar
The Gun Control supporters and the Anti-NRA folks need their 15 minutes of news fame time too.
Precious_b's Avatar
They're waiting for the next days paper so they can steal the content to put on teleprompter.
TexTushHog's Avatar
They can only report what they know at the tine. Which is usually next to nothing. But people will watch the coverage. So if one news network has wall to wall coverage, they all have to have it or lose viewers. So then they do what I really hate — start speculating. People want instant opinions. It’s one of several reasons I quit watching television news.
The "news" is big money for the networks these days. They report and we decide if it's real news or just a certain one channel that makes big money supporting the pos president. Or...all the other networks calling his azz out. It's really not that hard to choose when he only has one of the many networks
Don't worry buddy, give it maybe 2 or 3 days, we'll all forget about this until the next mass shooting happens. In the meantime, just watch some Netflix or Hulu. You can probably binge on some Office re-runs, hurry before it moves to NBC Universal's new platform.