A cucumber, a Penis and an Olive

  • Sami
  • 04-10-2011, 09:18 PM
A cucumber, an olive and a penis are talking.
The cucumber says "I hate my life, when I get big fat and juicy they cut me up and put me in salad."
The olive says "That's nothing, when I get big fat and juicy they cut me up and put me on pizza."
The penis says "You think you have it bad, when I get big fat and juicy they put me in a bag, throw me in a cave, shut the door and leave me there till I throw up"
tia travels's Avatar
If you sit there and picture it actually "throwing up"....eh....it doesn't sound to appealing or enticing. Don't want it in MY cave. I'd rather have it bursting with enthusiasm myself. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Thinck of it rather than throwing up but as merely spewing.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Funny Sami!!