I hear all the time on those LIFElock commericals that someone had their IDentiy stolen and when they looked at their bank account, EMPTY
meanwhile, I can't even pay my mom's(84) bills over the phone..as in HERE TAKE MY MONEY
you arent MRS SMITH
no,I"m here son, here take my money!! I all her ID stuff and the account info, TAKE MY MONEY
sir, we can only take money from MRS SMITH
meanwhile, I had LIFELOCK and refinanced my morage and never heard from lifelock about checks on my credit report
--I got a full refund from them and a check in the mail for some class action lawsuit(like $3) https://www.lifelock.com/pr/2015/12/...on-settlement/
if someones account got drained, what the heck did they Lose?>
account number and passworrd and username and a .....yeah, i dont buy it