leaked floyd video update

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
a brit newspaper, Daily Mail, got the videos first.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPSwqp5fdIw Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

well ... doesn't this change the martyrdom of Floyd the fen freak? yeah. it does. resisting from the very start. who knew??

if this asshole hadn't been messed up he wouldn't be dead now. this should be broadcast world wide at every BLM riot so they can see their "martyr" for who he really was. a fucked up Fen freak. if he wasn't so torched he could have driven away ... but NO!!! he was too blotto to even drive after he tried to pass a fake $20. even if he didn't know it was fake (he knew) then like the stupidest criminal in history (well almost) he sat on his 6'7" ass too wasted to leave the scene of his crime.

who will be broadcasting this new footage of Floyd the fen freak signing his death warrant?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
well ... doesn't this change the martyrdom of Floyd the fen freak? yeah. it does. resisting from the very start. who knew??

if this asshole hadn't been messed up he wouldn't be dead now. this should be broadcast world wide at every BLM riot so they can see their "martyr" for who he really was. a fucked up Fen freak. if he wasn't so torched he could have driven away ... but NO!!! he was too blotto to even drive after he tried to pass a fake $20. even if he didn't know it was fake (he knew) then like the stupidest criminal in history (well almost) he sat on his 6'7" ass too wasted to leave the scene of his crime.

who will be broadcasting this new footage of Floyd the fen freak signing his death warrant? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
whoever leaked it, did us a favor.

all the major networks have the footage 7 hours after the british daily mail got it 15 hours ago when i posted the link.

I don't think it matters too much if they got an "egg" in their face over the Floyd fiasco.

yeah, he was resisting arrest and tried to cop a "claustrophobic" plea, however, that might've been from the drug he was under influence of.

notice, one of his passenger, his ex i understand, said he was "coo-coo" in the head.

personally, 3 of the 4 shouldn't have been fired.
LexusLover's Avatar
These fiascos seem to be turning out the same on a regular basis.

Can't even bury Lewis without hypocritical controversy. And the Anti-Trumpers want THEM TO RUN THIS COUNTRY. They can't even run a one-car funeral! No wonder Rice is being considered for VP: A serial LIAR!
Ironic that he's claustrophobic inside a police car yet he seems to be completely fine sitting in his own car .....
rexdutchman's Avatar
These fiascos seem to be turning out the same on a regular basis.Drip,Drip Drip
Ironic that he's claustrophobic inside a police car yet he seems to be completely fine sitting in his own car ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge
A big problem with being a cop...criminals lie to you all the time. "I only had one drink. Those aren't my drugs. That's not my gun. I'm claustrophobic. I need medical attention. I can't breathe."

The progtards just want to make it so people can't be arrested.

I'm not saying the cop was warranted in killing Floyd. I haven't seen this video yet but saw the other ones. Like COVID, and many cops, I'm tired of this shit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ah yes .. the HuffyPOO voodoo spin doctors are on this! it was so .. "heartbreaking!" they used rude language! they put him the the nasty confining squad car knowing he's claustrophobic!

what a whitewash. this is one of the reasons Yahoo doesn't want comments anymore. too many people discussing what a fuckup he is. can't have that! also i noticed the HuffyPOO is now requiring their own "membership account" to post comments. i may actually do that just to see all the drama queens freaking out over poor George.

Newly Leaked Bodycam Footage Shows George Floyd’s Heartbreaking Plea To Police


Leaked footage shows George Floyd begging police not to shoot him minutes before his death by police officers in Minneapolis on May 25.

“OK, Mr. Officer, please don’t shoot me. Please, man,” Floyd said when officers approached as he sat in his car. One officer had a gun drawn and aimed at Floyd’s head.

“I just lost my mom, man,” Floyd said in the footage first obtained by The Daily Mail. “Please don’t shoot me, Mr. Officer, please.”

Floyd also apologized throughout the video as the cops cursed at him.

“Put your fucking hand up there,” one officer ordered. “Jesus Christ, keep your fucking hands on the wheel.”

When the police attempted to put Floyd in the back of a police vehicle, he warned them that he was claustrophobic. Floyd was eventually forced to the ground. Then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin shoved a knee into his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as Floyd cried out: “I can’t breathe.”

Bystanders urged other police officers at the scene to intervene, but they refused.

Floyd was pronounced dead a short time later, kicking off protests and unrest around the nation that continue to this day. Chauvin and three other officers were fired and all are facing criminal charges.
bambino's Avatar
ah yes .. the HuffyPOO voodoo spin doctors are on this! it was so .. "heartbreaking!" they used rude language! they put him the the nasty confining squad car knowing he's claustrophobic!

what a whitewash. this is one of the reasons Yahoo doesn't want comments anymore. too many people discussing what a fuckup he is. can't have that! also i noticed the HuffyPOO is now requiring their own "membership account" to post comments. i may actually do that just to see all the drama queens freaking out over poor George.

Newly Leaked Bodycam Footage Shows George Floyd’s Heartbreaking Plea To Police


Leaked footage shows George Floyd begging police not to shoot him minutes before his death by police officers in Minneapolis on May 25.

“OK, Mr. Officer, please don’t shoot me. Please, man,” Floyd said when officers approached as he sat in his car. One officer had a gun drawn and aimed at Floyd’s head.

“I just lost my mom, man,” Floyd said in the footage first obtained by The Daily Mail. “Please don’t shoot me, Mr. Officer, please.”

Floyd also apologized throughout the video as the cops cursed at him.

“Put your fucking hand up there,” one officer ordered. “Jesus Christ, keep your fucking hands on the wheel.”

When the police attempted to put Floyd in the back of a police vehicle, he warned them that he was claustrophobic. Floyd was eventually forced to the ground. Then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin shoved a knee into his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds as Floyd cried out: “I can’t breathe.”

Bystanders urged other police officers at the scene to intervene, but they refused.

Floyd was pronounced dead a short time later, kicking off protests and unrest around the nation that continue to this day. Chauvin and three other officers were fired and all are facing criminal charges. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
These videos are moot. Georgie boy has served his purpose for BLM, Antifa and far left liberals. Death and destruction has followed. Just the way they want it. Bottom line, Chauvin did kill Floyd. He will be convicted. But it doesn’t matter. What’s done is done.
Lou Spowells's Avatar
When brainwashed people hear the cops are gonna kill them, then fight the cops and get killed, that is what is called a self fulfilling prophecy.

At least he didn't get shot.
bambino's Avatar
When brainwashed people hear the cops are gonna kill them, then fight the cops and get killed, that is what is called a self fulfilling prophecy.

At least he didn't get shot. Originally Posted by Lou Spowells
It would have been quicker.
Lou Spowells's Avatar
Are there English subtitles? It was acting like a wild animal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are there English subtitles? It was acting like a wild animal. Originally Posted by Lou Spowells

so how long do you think it will be before you get banned this time humpty?

been getting busy in the restroom of Burger King lately?

bambino's Avatar
so how long do you think it will be before you get banned this time humpty?

been getting busy in the restroom of Burger King lately?

BAHHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I kinda like the cat burglar