New Angle for Nigerian scammers

We've all gotten the emails telling us we have been selected to receive money from some Nigerian prince or the like. They have now infiltrated I received this today. Just had to share for the laugh.
You'd think they would get someone with a better grasp of English to write their emails for them. Although I have received RL work correspondence from colleagues that is not written much better.
There are websites dedicated to stories of Nigerian bank and dating scams. My babysitter got sucked into one, but luckily talked to me before she sent any money. She's 60ish, been widowed for 12 yrs and the guy played to that; said he was in London, then he went to Nigeria for a contract job with his 11 yr old daughter. They were then mugged/hijacked/kidnapped (something unbelievable) and she was hurt. He needed $1700 before the hospital would treat her. My sitter was so sucked in, she thought there really was a child needing medical treatment and was ready to get a title loan to send the money!!! Amazingly, the hospital "did the surgery" but then they still needed $2000 to get out of Nigeria. My sitter was duped by this guy for almost 6 months. She's a relatively intelligent person, I was surprised she got sucked into it. I think she wanted so badly for someone to love her, she was willing to believe it.
Anyone have an amusing Nigerian stories to share?

Hello dear, hope you are fine. Mmmm you have nice pictures here. My name is Sxxx and a base here in Africa. I am a software consultant.

I have a good job. Well am single and i will like us to know each order more. I will not mind inviting you here in Africa, hope you don't mind. Looking forward to see you someday and i will be very happy to receive you.

Here is my number +xxxxxxxxxx


vicinms's Avatar
You're right about the poor grammar - they would probably fool more people if it wasn't for that. If they put as much work into a real job as they do in thinking up scams, they probably wouldn't need to try and rip people off.
rednecksatyr's Avatar
I frequently get emails with some story about how I have a large sum of money awaiting my reply with personal information, name, address, phone number, bank and account number.

One new twist I noted was that I should send by Western Union $250 to cover the administrative costs.