WHO are the worst scammers: Hookers or Strippers

Mr. Heffner's Avatar
I read the unpteenth thread about some hooker "borrowing" money from a nice man who was just trying to do the right thing and help out. Of course it wasnt paied back. I know, shocking!
I used to go to a local strip club for lunch, the daytime gals were pretty cool, they would hang out and eat with you if you were a regular. So I got friendly wih one "Tiffany" I knew her around 8 months, one day she said kind of offhandedly do you wasnt to go out for lunch some time? I was flattered said OK. We had lunch a few times, she was nice, easy to talk to. THEN one day she hit me up for money the old My elec is about to be shut off! I just told her I was busted and didnt have any extra well what do you know after that I got the cold shoulder from than on when I saw her at the club.

Im sure you men have storys too.
Who are the worst scammers? Strippers or hookers? Heff
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-24-2010, 04:53 PM
I don't know if I would call it a scam or just the game you are playing. Strippers and hookers are the same thing if you take one out to eat you think she is there because you are the best thing she has seen that's your fault. Look play the game don't let the game play you, just pay to fuck the chick and go the fuck home stop trying to get to know a girl for eight months pay 200 and take your ass home
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Damn straight, Trey. It's like a self-plucked chicken scared of hot grease.

Put yourself in the girl's place...she already put in the effort, how will she ever forgive herself if she doesn't harvest the crop?

But in case a mutt, weak dogs that we are, screws up enough to offer an irrestible target and gets asked, here's what to tell them: "I really wish I could help you, Babydoll, and would if I could, but unfortunately all of my assets are tied up in cash."
Mojojo's Avatar
Look play the game don't let the game play you, just pay to fuck the chick and go the fuck home stop trying to get to know a girl for eight months pay 200 and take your ass home Originally Posted by trey
Listen to this man!

Why would you even loan a complete stranger money? Who cares if its the right thing! I won't even give bums money, I work for it so why shouldnt they? It's bad enough loaning close family and friends money cause you know your likely not to get it back! What makes you think loaning money to a complete stranger is going to be better? If your dumb enough to loan any stranger money you deserve whatever happens.

Can you hook me up with some money? My libido is high and I need to see my ATF to help stabilize it.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I borrowed money from all my rich relatives and loaned it to all of my poor relatives... now none of them want to see me...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I have loaned money to dancers - and every one of them paid me back all the money. In fact, one dancer called to get my work address - she pulled up in a U-Hall because she was moving back to Michigan and wanted to pay back a large sum before she left.

I have loaned money to providers and not one has ever paid me back. Most wanted to trade sessions - but then never could get their schedules to allow them to pay back those sessions.

I guess I just loaned the money to the wrong providers - because I am sure I am going to hear some shit on this one.

But in case a mutt, weak dogs that we are, screws up enough to offer an irrestible target and gets asked, here's what to tell them: "I really wish I could help you, Babydoll, and would if I could, but unfortunately all of my assets are tied up in cash." Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Not bad if you want to see a blank stare in her eyes. Even better reply would be "funny you should ask, I myself was gonna ask you if you could loan me $200. I am kindof broke, all those titty bar lunch breaks made a dent in my saving. Is it OK to pay you back in $20 installments?"

But you could also say: "I believe in capitalism. We should all earn our keep. Yes, I got $200. Do you have an hour to spare? I know a nice motel nearby..."

To the originall poster, Mr Heff: the general rule of thumb with strippers is: "at least twice": if you're at least twice her age, chances are she's not having lunch with you because she wants you as your friend or a lover. If you're at least twice her weight, the same principle applies. And if the topic of her needing money for car note or electricity comes up, expect her to ask for at least two bills. Should that happen, insist on coming in or on her at least twice. And after all is said and done, as the wise man above said "... and then haul your happy ass home and don't think much about it".
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Not bad if you want to see a blank stare in her eyes. Even better reply would be "funny you should ask, I myself was gonna ask you if you could loan me $200. I am kindof broke, all those titty bar lunch breaks made a dent in my saving. Is it OK to pay you back in $20 installments?"

But you could also say: "I believe in capitalism. We should all earn our keep. Yes, I got $200. Do you have an hour to spare? I know a nice motel nearby..."

To the originall poster, Mr Heff: the general rule of thumb with strippers is: "at least twice": if you're at least twice her age, chances are she's not having lunch with you because she wants you as your friend or a lover. If you're at least twice her weight, the same principle applies. And if the topic of her needing money for car note or electricity comes up, expect her to ask for at least two bills. Should that happen, insist on coming in or on her at least twice. And after all is said and done, as the wise man above said "... and then haul your happy ass home and don't think much about it". Originally Posted by obiwansalami
Don't be such a Cynic... sometimes it works out...
Consider this, if someone is borrowing money from a friend, customer or relative, it means they don't have credit, don't have a credit card for an advance, probably don't have budgeting skills, or a steady stream of income. No matter what the intentions may or may not be, loaning money to a friend, family member, hooker or stripper is the same as a gift. It works out much better if you give it with that in mind, my personal philosophy for myself. If they give it back it's a return gift if they don't then no big deal. It's like gambling if you can't afford it don't risk it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Strippers.....by FAR AND AWAY are the biggest fucking scammers walking the damn Earth!!

Selling the FANTASY of sex??? B***, please!! F**k 'em! F**k ALL strippers!

I say blow up EVERY SINGLE STRIP CLUB IN AMERICA and force the 'employees' of said places to become providers. That way if they don't put out they don't get paid.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Strippers.....by FAR AND AWAY are the biggest fucking scammers walking the damn Earth!!

Selling the FANTASY of sex??? B***, please!! F**k 'em! F**k ALL strippers!

I say blow up EVERY SINGLE STRIP CLUB IN AMERICA and force the 'employees' of said places to become providers. That way if they don't put out they don't get paid. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Once again... Rambro Creed comes through as the voice of reason...
Randall Creed's Avatar
At least I talk on subject instead of incessant rambling.
Strippers.....by FAR AND AWAY are the biggest fucking scammers walking the damn Earth!!

Selling the FANTASY of sex??? B***, please!! F**k 'em! F**k ALL strippers!

I say blow up EVERY SINGLE STRIP CLUB IN AMERICA and force the 'employees' of said places to become providers. That way if they don't put out they don't get paid. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Tell us how you really feel. No, really.

Some people like fly fishing, some people fish with a sack of dynamite.

Honestly speaking, I'd prefer the best if they had something like Brazilian Termas in Houston. But, they don't, so... strip clubs it is for me.
Randall Creed's Avatar
OK, you stripper lovers. Me and you each have $200 to spend..and ONLY $200. Can't go over that limit. You take your two bills to a strip club. I peruse through eccie in search of someone who I can hang out with for an hour.

After you pay the SC cover charge, which could range anywhere from 5 bucks to 25 bucks or so (that comes out of the $$, btw) and get you a drink or two, you've broken a 20, maybe two. Now you gotta get a stripper's attention. You tip her a few bucks while she's on stage or you call her over and buy her a drink. She may or may not provide extras. To find out, you're going to have to get a couple of lapdances. Shave off $.40. For the sake of argument, let's say she plays. If she's high end, a bill.40 might not be enough. Now you've just wasted 40 bucks and a half hour of time (not that the clock's a factor, but your viagra may be wearing down..he he). Now you gotta move on to another one. She's not as hot as the previous one, but she plays....a lot. And she's cheap. You saw her leaving the VIP 20 min ago, 10 seconds ahead of another fella (a hobbyist on this board that you don't know). She takes you back there, and after one token dance, agrees to play for a bill. After screwing around with her for a few, you get what you came for, but at what cost. The shift you go to the club on has a new manager, who's trying to show his metal and kept a close eye on you and her. You had some fun back there, but it wasn't continuous, you had to keep one eye on the headstrong floor manager, she wasn't your first choice to see, and the VIP smelled like beer, smoke, and badussy, and on top of all that she was sloppy seconds (or more) and probably wasn't as fresh as can be. All that, and you walk out with 22 bucks in your pocket. Maybe you're satisfied with your day (or night). Then again, maybe not. Not all nuts busted are great nuts. Some are very ho-hum.

I take my $$, log on here, peruse through provider ads or the weekend. I look at pictures, profiles, and showcases until I can narrow it down between the plethora of hot, affordable ladies in good ol' DFW (or Houston. I'm coming here one of these days). Hell, I might even glance at BP and see who's offering a 30-min for a bill. If I see two of them that looks worth it I'll see both...with an hour of rest-up in between for good measure.

Both scenarios are hit and miss, but SCs are waaaaay too hit and miss for my money. To each his own, though.
kerwil62's Avatar
OK, you stripper lovers. Me and you each have $200 to spend..and ONLY $200. Can't go over that limit. You take your two bills to a strip club. I peruse through eccie in search of someone who I can hang out with for an hour.

After you pay the SC cover charge, which could range anywhere from 5 bucks to 25 bucks or so (that comes out of the $$, btw) and get you a drink or two, you've broken a 20, maybe two. Now you gotta get a stripper's attention. You tip her a few bucks while she's on stage or you call her over and buy her a drink. She may or may not provide extras. To find out, you're going to have to get a couple of lapdances. Shave off $.40. For the sake of argument, let's say she plays. If she's high end, a bill.40 might not be enough. Now you've just wasted 40 bucks and a half hour of time (not that the clock's a factor, but your viagra may be wearing down..he he). Now you gotta move on to another one. She's not as hot as the previous one, but she plays....a lot. And she's cheap. You saw her leaving the VIP 20 min ago, 10 seconds ahead of another fella (a hobbyist on this board that you don't know). She takes you back there, and after one token dance, agrees to play for a bill. After screwing around with her for a few, you get what you came for, but at what cost. The shift you go to the club on has a new manager, who's trying to show his metal and kept a close eye on you and her. You had some fun back there, but it wasn't continuous, you had to keep one eye on the headstrong floor manager, she wasn't your first choice to see, and the VIP smelled like beer, smoke, and badussy, and on top of all that she was sloppy seconds (or more) and probably wasn't as fresh as can be. All that, and you walk out with 22 bucks in your pocket. Maybe you're satisfied with your day (or night). Then again, maybe not. Not all nuts busted are great nuts. Some are very ho-hum.

I take my $$, log on here, peruse through provider ads or the weekend. I look at pictures, profiles, and showcases until I can narrow it down between the plethora of hot, affordable ladies in good ol' DFW (or Houston. I'm coming here one of these days). Hell, I might even glance at BP and see who's offering a 30-min for a bill. If I see two of them that looks worth it I'll see both...with an hour of rest-up in between for good measure.

Both scenarios are hit and miss, but SCs are waaaaay too hit and miss for my money. To each his own, though. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

I hear you loud and clear bruh! This is some funny shit but true nevertheless.