Random Acts of Kindness

I had been on a date when something came up at my office and had to deal with it. So he patiently waited as we sat at a cafe and I worked away on my laptop while talking on the phone. Because the technology gods had cursed me, things just dragged on and on. I realized as I kept working that we weren't going to make the plans he set out for us. At one point he excused himself and went back up to the room, and I thought: "Oh no! He's angry or frustrated."

So on my way back to our room I got myself ready to grovel for forgiveness, feeling sincerely remorseful.

The moment I enter the room, I see our bed covered in rose petals. "You seemed to need some stress relief," he said with a broad smile. Talk about giving a woman weak knees.

Since our plans were already dashed, we stayed in the rest of the day... playing monopoly.

Gents, thank you for those kind of moments, they reignite my hope in humanity.
What a truly wonderful story!
discreetgent's Avatar
In a similar vein; it is about a lady, now retired. I heard it from her, but through odd circumstances also from him (this is a strange world we occupy lol). She had started out as mostly doing hour long appointments at $300/hr but by the time this story took place was in the HDH world with a minimum of a dinner date at around $2500. A gent, without vast resources, had been seeing her every so often as finances would allow for years. Since she enjoyed his company she had grandfathered him to the original rate of $300/hr and usually spent more time than that with him. Over the years he became ill and no longer able to travel so she saw him only if she was in his city which was a rare occurrence. The last time that she saw him, a local lady that he occasionally saw came up in conversation and the local lady had mentioned that she could bring another lady as well at a cost that would not be much higher than her fee. He seemed intrigued by the idea of a threesome. He was not doing well at all at this point. At the end of their short session the retired provider left her envelope behind with a note that he should go and enjoy the threesome he had mentioned.

Kindness exists on both side.
pyramider's Avatar
If he was the banker he probably cheated at Monopoly.