Fat City

iwanacumalot's Avatar
I guess the powers that be will be happy looks like there finally going to drive the nail in the coffin for Fat City.For years they have been trying to close down Fat City guess this will do it . I just saw on the news they passed a ordinance to make the bars close at midnight weekdays and 1 on the weekends that's just crazy. How can they do this i mean at least they could let them stay open till 2. Hell if i had a dollar for every time i walked out of Kenny's Key West or a few other bars in fat city with the sun shining after a long night of partying I would be a rich man.
I pray to the party gods to let Fat City Live !
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there is a radio commericial ad by a MADD supporter that opposes this ordinance as that law would increased drunk driving due to early last call.