Work Out

Outdoorsman's Avatar
Because it is the sandbox I posted a joke:

A woman recently lost her husband. She had him cremated and brought his ashes home. Picking up the urn that he was in, she poured him out on the counter...
Then, while tracing her fingers in the ashes, she started talking to him. "Irving, you know that fur coat you promised me? I bought it with the insurance money!"
"Irving, remember that new car you promised me? Well, I also bought it with the insurance money!"

"Irving, that emerald necklace you promised me? I bought it, too, with the insurance money."

Still tracing her finger in the ashes, she said, "Irving, remember that blow job I promised you? Here it comes.

Completely unrelated is my question, just wanted your attention with the joke. I joined a gym recently "Anytime Fitness." It is merely a locked door you walk into and equipment is available. I have been doing this for a few months and it has increased my stamina and endurance physically, I am also getting more definition in my muscle tone, but I looking to do two things and it is not working. 1) I want to lose the gut I have, it is not that large but it is unsightly in my opinion. I have tried crunches, sit ups, changing my diet, working out - it does not go away. Yes, I am in my mid 40's so it is an older aged gut, I do not drink so that is not the issue either.2) I am wanting to bulk up just a little, in my younger days I had a very good looking chest, muscular and defined. I have been doing bench presses, curls and lat exercises but no luck. I have read two books with two exercise programs. My question is am I just too damn old to have the body I used to have? Has anyone else encountered this dilemma? Am I too impatient and it takes mroe than a few months? Is there another place I can attend with help from staff, I am not too pleased with where I am at, kids come in and take up machines I am looking to utilize, etc. Not many good looking gym ladies either, What the hell?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Check your PM. Thought my response would be way to long on here. Short answer is that it can be done with hard work.

Oh, one thing I left out of my PM is that you can't spot your weight loss. Frankly, if you are unhappy with your belly, then I would stop doing crunches and sit ups till you get to where you want it to be. All you are doing is building muscle under the layer of fat that will only push it out further.
Its all diet and cardio. I just competed in June, and I dropped from 275 to compete at 219 in 4 1/2 months. If you dedicate yourself to it, it can be done...and I'm close to 40, so its not age, its dicipline.

Grabsum4me's Avatar
anyone out there tried P90X?
DallasRain's Avatar
It is never to late!!
I am in better athletic shape than I have ever been!!! I excersise quite regularly/eat healthy.......walking helps immensely!
{I think me living 3 flights upstairs helps my butt look like a 30 yr olds}

good luck sweets!!!
anyone out there tried P90X? Originally Posted by Grabsum4me

Yes. Its a great workout.
Its never too late.You appear to be on the right track.Push-ups should be included in your workout.Its an original exercise that still builds your chest and triceps.Invest in fitness magazines and workout books.Many have valuable work out routines you can cater to your needs.If you are self motivated and push your self they are just as effective as a trainer.Abs are one of the last areas to go.Sometimes it leaves from the top down.Stay motivated and keep of the good work. I've been working out over the last few years and have managed to lose weight and get stronger.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
try riding a bike. it should burn that fat off ya.

btw, stick this in your tag line.

saw this infomercial on tv the other night, looked rather interesting, its called hip hop abs. its a dance exercise program.
Don't give up. It takes time.

I am 49 and have been working out faithfully for a little over a year. I use free weights and a perfect pullup bar. I personally don't like the gym because i have to wait for others. I saw mysely gaining weight and getting weaker about a year ago.

Started hitting the weights and running, only 1 mile at a time 2 or 3 days a week. Weights are 6 nights per week.

When I started i could only bench 120lbs. I am now up to 230lb bench and weigh 185 lbs and the waist size is down to 33 inches. I do take whey protein and eat healthy. It is hard at first, but it is addicting. I look forward to the nightly workout. As an added bonus, I honestly believe that I am hornier than ever. It must be the good blood flow. PM me and I will tell you more about what has worked for me.
trekker's Avatar
Its all diet and cardio. I just competed in June, and I dropped from 275 to compete at 219 in 4 1/2 months. If you dedicate yourself to it, it can be done...and I'm close to 40, so its not age, its dicipline.

Cheers Originally Posted by haya1300
Getting rid of the gut is a matter of burning the calories. Ab exercises will strengthen the muscles and improve muscle tone-under the fat layer. You'll still have to burn that off. I'm fighting the same thing.
DallasRain's Avatar
tihs is a cool thread....anybody have any healthy eating recipes to share????

This Asian-inspired recipe comes from award-winning Green Mountain guest chef Trish Morrissey, who regularly delights diners with her healthy and great-tasting creations. Serve with soba noodle salad and a green vegetable such as snow peas to round out this stylish meal.
1 tablespoon tahini (sesame paste)
1/4 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon lime juice
1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger or minced ginger root
1 pound salmon filet
Oil for brushing fish
Combine tahini, orange juice, honey, lime juice and ginger in a small sauce pan. Heat over low heat for a few minutes, stirring often until mixture is well blended. Set aside.
Meanwhile, cut salmon into 4 serving pieces. Brush lightly with oil. Place salmon on heated grill. Cover and grill fish 5 to 6 inches from medium coals about 4 minutes. Turn fish; brush with glaze; cover and grill about 4 minutes longer or until fish is opaque and flakes easily with fork.
elcid180's Avatar
Dallas part of your exercise plan is all the sex you want. I have also seen you comment in other threads about all the protein " shakes" that you get. As for eating healthy there is nothing like a little DATY.

In all seriousness the older we get the harder it is to get back to fighting weight. We all know that losing weight will do great things for us but why is it so hard? Putting it on was so easy. Good luck to all who have posted I too am trying to get back into some sort of shape. Keep up the good work and make sure you include the sex it does burn calories.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--Elcid sugar are so wise!!!

My SO just bought a cool book.....

The Eat Clean Diet for Men......
p90x & flirty girl fitness (with the stripper pole)
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I appreciate everyone's input, in two months I have slimmed down enough to pull my belt in another notch so progress is being made, thx, I have actually incorporated some of the ideas I got here into my routine, thx.