On the Importance of Dental Hygiene

As a pussy connoisseur, I've always commented on the lady's (vaginal) hygiene in the "Physical Description" section of my reviews.

Lately, I've realized that dental hygiene is equally if not more important than genital hygiene: My activities BCD -- and, consequently, my initial impressions of providers -- usually begin with a long, lingering kiss.

This conclusion is reinforced by the contrast between a recent horror-story review that I just read; and my own pleasant experience with two ladies of whom I stated, in the "Physical Description" section of my latest review:

...Both have beautiful smiles. Originally Posted by Bush Pilot
I was referring to their gleaming, perfectly aligned teeth; I regret that I omitted mentioning how pleasant their mouths tasted when kissed.

A swig of mouthwash before a session, while important, is by no means sufficient, as I learned from personal experience. A few years ago, I finally visited a dentist after a long hiatus; and I complained that no matter how frequently I used mouthwash, gum, and mints between brushings, I could not get rid of a lingering and persistent foul taste in my mouth.

As I soon learned, I had the onset of peritonitis.

Timely treatment solved the problem. Since then, I see the dentist every six months and diligently practice daily dental care.

Ladies, if I may be so bold: Consider your dental care as much a business investment as your lingerie, costumes, MM boobs, and Brazilian waxes.

Gentlemen, I'm addressing you as well. Let's take care of ourselves so we all can enjoy ourselves.

Henceforth, I plan to cover dental as well as vaginal hygiene in the "Physical Description" of my reviews.
blasphemouse's Avatar
Completely agree BP.

Some factors of "Sexy" can be defined as to how well you take care of yourself in modern standards. Take care of yourself on multiple levels and watch yourself improve on multiple levels.
ck1942's Avatar
As our well-remembered medic expert (dennisrn) no doubt would have pointed out...

is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs


is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth.

All over hygiene is very important, not just to those of us in the hobby.

Frequently I am asked for possible referrals to both dental and medical services, which, of course, we all need and should obtain on a regularly scheduled basis. For those who think they might not have the full financial resources for medical care, there are many local resources in the San Antonio area that can assist those with financial needs.

Money, or lack of it, should be the very last reason to avoid necessary care, including periodic checkups, both dental, medial, vision, hearing, etc.

= = = = =

And for those with other "peri" questions, I "taint" fergitting:

: The area between the anus and the scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vulva (the labial opening to the vagina) in the female.
And for those with other "peri" questions, I "taint" fergitting:

: The area between the anus and the scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vulva (the labial opening to the vagina) in the female.
Originally Posted by ck1942
As our well-remembered medic expert (dennisrn) no doubt would have pointed out...

is an inflammation of the peritoneum, the thin tissue that lines the inner wall of the abdomen and covers most of the abdominal organs


is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth.
Originally Posted by ck1942
Thanks for the polite and tactful correction, ck -- of course I meant periodontitis!
As our well-remembered medic expert (dennisrn) no doubt would have pointed out... Originally Posted by ck1942
CK, thank you for the tribute to dennisrn. But you left out a very important part of the dennisrn experience, his quick wit and always having a limerick for the moment. So in his memory I offer the following:
I once knew a man from France
His hands played about in his pants
When he tickled his taint
He penis got spraint
And his nards did a quick little dance

To Dennisrn. A true conissour of really young pussy.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Love this post! I've worked as a dental asst for about 4yrs now. People don't forget to floss! Flossing is just as important as brushing. It can help avoid gum disease as well as many other benifets. As much money as people drop on pu tang on this site, schedule a vist with your dentist for a deep cleaning and scaling. Invest in a water pik, oral b makes a decent one, that'll run you about 60-70$ at walmart. Make it a habit and stick to it.
Sorry but i call BS ( no i dont mean dental hygiene isnt important)

Do u know how effing hard it is to have anything done to your mouth other than ur teeth just flat out pulled out if your an ADULT with no insurance or low income ?]

For most of the women here one chip or cavity and they are screwed because low cost clinics or free clinics only fill cavitites or do bonding for KIDS. Walk in there as an adult they offer to pull it out and hand u a prescription for some pain killers.

America is one of the few countries where people act like ur an effing leper if your teeth arent whiter than michael jackson and u didnt have a braces....
Bob McV's Avatar
I have really jacked up teeth. A few times my vanity almost had me investing more thn a new car into getting it worked. However, I decided that if people don't love me with all of my flaws (and boy do I have flaws!) straight teeth are the least of my worries.

So I do my best to not hole imperfections against anyone else.
America is one of the few countries where people act like ur an effing leper if your teeth arent whiter than michael jackson and u didnt have a braces.... Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
I would hope not. Mine aren't perfectly white or aligned.

But you can count on getting treated like a leper if your gums or teeth are rotting.
I would hope not. Mine aren't perfectly white or aligned.

But you can count on getting treated like a leper if your gums or teeth are rotting. Originally Posted by Bush Pilot
Yeah isn't that great how society works
Precious_b's Avatar
I guess I was genetically blessed with good teeth.

Doesn't mean I didn't abuse them. Brushing with a medium bristle brush parallel to my gum line. Hello receding gums!

But with a few honking big fillings, thanks to sadistic military dentist, I still have all of them in my nogg'n and they are pretty straight. Don't do the whitening. Could use it but i'm not the vain type.

I'm a walk in and pay out of pocket for what I need. Seems to be fast and efficient. But I feel for those that can't do it. And so far, i'm lucky enough that I can cover what is needed for me.

Nikki, they did damn good for you on you last trip there.
Little Miss Cuntcakes's Avatar
Yeah isn't that great how society works Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
I'm not a fan if society anyhow. Too many sheep, not enough Shepard's.
Besides why would you want to associate yourself with anyone who would treat another for that reason? Shit I would see that as a blessing and smile at all those muthafuckers. Weed them out! The ones that stick around are the only ones you need. But regardless people need to floss lol
I don't care if the person has got movie star smile or if they've only got one good tooth.take care of em. All the reasons Nikki listed above about being getting dental care now a days are reason why people should care for their grills. It's not just a vanity issue but a health issue.