Where's DNC Chairman and MIN AG Keith Ellison Calling For Calm?

I'm only seeing his outrage. A major city on fire and no calls for peace and letting the system work. Which, by the way, he's basically in charge of.

Rep Omar from MIN? Not calling for calm either. What's the Muslim penalty for stealing and looting?

Strange how these rioters aren't keeping 6 ft away from either other. Many are foolishly not even wearing masks
bambino's Avatar
Let it burn.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Let it burn. Originally Posted by bambino

That's not politically correct. "let them continue to "express themselves", is the politically correct term ( he said sarcastically ) if you are a Mayor like the one in Baltimore who said that while her city burned.

I have no problem with peaceful protesting which I saw a bit of last night from one particular location. People had congregated and many holding signs or merely with their fists raised in the air BUT I think there should be massive retaliation by the police to those throwing deadly projectiles and anybody throwing a Molotov cocktail or setting a fire, should be dealt with by force and even shot as a last resort to protect other lives.

Peaceful protest is a right we are guaranteed. Violence is not protected and before anybody says "what about violence by the police", I say that is not protected either. The cop with the knee on the mans neck, I have no doubt will be charged with 3rd or more likely, 2nd degree murder. The other officers should be charged with something on the order of "depraved indifference".

I've already said before but I'll say it again just like a couple of others have said. There is no way that man ends up on the ground if he hadn't tried to resist arrest. When a police officer says put your hands behind your back, there is no justification, none what so ever to do or say anything but put your damn hands behind your back. The place to plead your case is in court, not on the street.

While I wouldn't go so far as to say he brought his death upon himself, he almost certainly found himself on the ground by some action that was not called for on his part. Having said that, he did not deserve to die and that police officer must pay a price for his indifference.
I posted this in another thread. Almost comical how these folks literally trip over each other trying to impede the cops doing their job. Over a simple traffic stop.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
There is no way that man ends up on the ground if he hadn't tried to resist arrest. When a police officer says put your hands behind your back, there is no justification, none what so ever to do or say anything but put your damn hands behind your back. The place to plead your case is in court, not on the street. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That's the problem. A white police officer harassing a black citizen doesn't feel the need to arrest them to put them in the floor. The officer thinks their life matters and the black one doesn't.

You have to be convinced that these problems are real. Even with mounds of video evidence. Just because the officer is afraid, that's no justification to subdue the subject.

I've bitched at The Waco Kid about this. It takes real nerve to see what has been joked about for decades.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar

I've already said before but I'll say it again just like a couple of others have said. There is no way that man ends up on the ground if he hadn't tried to resist arrest.

While I wouldn't go so far as to say he brought his death upon himself, he almost certainly found himself on the ground by some action that was not called for on his part. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you are totally wrong.. all the videos show there was no resistance.. your pro-Police bias can't wrap your head around that, but I have seen 4-5 different videos.. NO RESISTANCE AT ALL.

his action? possibly passing a fake $20 bill.. murdered for that, if it is even true. the Nightclub Owner who employed both Floyd and the now arrested Cop, was very revealing.. how on "Urban-themed Nights" that Cop and other White Cops were "skittish", always calling for backup Police over the most minor incidents.

in Dallas, the Cops would have told the store that reported the fake $20 bill, to stop bothering them and wasting their time with bullshit.. in Minneapolis it was a call to murder.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Ellison is too busy beating the piss out of his girlfriend to worry about this
you are totally wrong.. all the videos show there was no resistance.. your pro-Police bias can't wrap your head around that, but I have seen 4-5 different videos.. NO RESISTANCE AT ALL.

his action? possibly passing a fake $20 bill.. murdered for that, if it is even true. the Nightclub Owner who employed both Floyd and the now arrested Cop, was very revealing.. how on "Urban-themed Nights" that Cop and other White Cops were "skittish", always calling for backup Police over the most minor incidents.

in Dallas, the Cops would have told the store that reported the fake $20 bill, to stop bothering them and wasting their time with bullshit.. in Minneapolis it was a call to murder. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You need to watch the video in my link above how a "minor incident" could of turned deadly. Police have to put up with this bullshit every day. Black, Brown and White. Male and Female. And that's the cops.

My issue is where's Keith Ellison? He's the MIN AG as well as the DNC chairman. Why does he want his cities to burn?

My other maybe even bigger issue is WHY IS THIS NATIONAL NEWS? I know it's appalling. The looting is appalling. But let the locals figure it out. If they want to throw the culprit in jail for life, fine with me but I don't need to see this as the lede story everynight for the next month.
bambino's Avatar
You need to watch the video in my link above how a "minor incident" could of turned deadly. Police have to put up with this bullshit every day. Black, Brown and White. Male and Female. And that's the cops.

My issue is where's Keith Ellison? He's the MIN AG as well as the DNC chairman. Why does he want his cities to burn?

My other maybe even bigger issue is WHY IS THIS NATIONAL NEWS? I know it's appalling. The looting is appalling. But let the locals figure it out. If they want to throw the culprit in jail for life, fine with me but I don't need to see this as the lede story everynight for the next month. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think Tom Perez is the DNC Chairman. Ellison was co chair at onetime. But I think his issues with his GF led him to step down.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's the problem. A white police officer harassing a black citizen doesn't feel the need to arrest them to put them in the floor. The officer thinks their life matters and the black one doesn't.

You have to be convinced that these problems are real. Even with mounds of video evidence. Just because the officer is afraid, that's no justification to subdue the subject.

I've bitched at The Waco Kid about this. It takes real nerve to see what has been joked about for decades. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

It takes real nerve to defend resisting arrest and authority. you might be an anarchist. the officer didn't react out of fear, they subdued a suspect who resisted. let's watch and see if any new video emerges of the initial contact? certainly the officer's body cams which i believe has been confirmed they were wearing should show that? what ya gonna say if it shows this guy Floyd immediately becoming hostile to the officers? because i'm pretty sure it will. you make it sound like the cops went out of their way to hassle this guy just because he's black. that premise is false as usual. if a white guy had resisted the result would be the same.

the officer did kneel on this guy's neck far too long for the situation once they had him on the ground and cuffed. recall one officer who spoke to the crowd said they had tried to get him in the car but he struggled. see the pattern here? he struggled to resist arrest.

blacks today feel they are entitled to defy law officers because all cops (white) are racist. this is completely false and promotes racist hate by blacks towards whites in general and cops as a focal point for this hateful racism.

remember poor little Mikey Brown? that innocent kid the cops "targeted to exterminate" for being black?

well guess what? this is actually old news because the MSM wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. why? new video released by the store owners show Brown's FIRST visit to that store at 1:30 am trying to barter {forbidden topic} for a couple of sodas and some cigars. it was later that day he returned and took the cigars without paying for them.

this is earlier .. at 1:30am.


this was released to counter a documentary trying to claim Brown was merely returning later to pick up his items the store "agreed" to hold for him till later. what a load of shit. the above shows a much different story.

and here's little Mikey Brown returning to steal .. er .. pick up his items..


notice how little Mikey shoves the owner out of the way for daring to make little Mikey pay cash for his cigars? how racist! of Brown.

your racist narrative always falls flat on its face when the evidence shows that these people defied police and weren't targeted at all by race. only as a suspected criminal.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It takes real nerve to defend resisting arrest and authority. you might be an anarchist. the officer didn't react out of fear, they subdued a suspect who resisted. let's watch and see if any new video emerges of the initial contact? certainly the officer's body cams which i believe has been confirmed they were wearing should show that? what ya gonna say if it shows this guy Floyd immediately becoming hostile to the officers?

If? Why did the officer feel the need to confront him? Floyd doesn't nees to be bothered. Or harassed.

because i'm pretty sure it will.

you make it sound like the cops went out of their way to hassle this guy just because he's black. that premise is false as usual.

You guessing?

if a white guy had resisted the result would be the same.

the officer did kneel on this guy's neck far too long for the situation once they had him on the ground and cuffed. recall one officer who spoke to the crowd said they had tried to get him in the car but he struggled. see the pattern here? he struggled to resist arrest.

What was he being arrested for?

blacks today feel they are entitled to defy law officers because all cops (white) are racist. this is completely false and promotes racist hate by blacks towards whites in general and cops as a focal point for this hateful racism.

That premise is false. As usual.

remember poor little Mikey Brown? that innocent kid the cops "targeted to exterminate" for being black?

well guess what? this is actually old news because the MSM wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. why? new video released by the store owners show Brown's FIRST visit to that store at 1:30 am trying to barter {forbidden topic} for a couple of sodas and some cigars. it was later that day he returned and took the cigars without paying for them.

this is earlier .. at 1:30am.


this was released to counter a documentary trying to claim Brown was merely returning later to pick up his items the store "agreed" to hold for him till later. what a load of shit. the above shows a much different story.

and here's little Mikey Brown returning to steal .. er .. pick up his items..


notice how little Mikey shoves the owner out of the way for daring to make little Mikey pay cash for his cigars? how racist! of Brown.

your racist narrative always falls flat on its face when the evidence shows that these people defied police and weren't targeted at all by race. only as a suspected criminal. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You've got some nerve changing the subject just to make yourself feel better about defending racists.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You've got some nerve changing the subject just to make yourself feel better about defending racists.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Nerve? if yous say so.

how's this for nerve? remind us again why little Devon ran? because he was a SUSPECT in an ARMED ROBBERY who fit exactly the description reported by the victim.

face it. if these fine upstanding citizens hadn't in fact been suspects in a crime the police wouldn't have paid them any attention at all. you simply refuse to admit the obvious. your racist hatred of police and whites in general makes you blind to the fact that these people all were criminal suspects who defied law officers. that's why they are dead.

if little Devon hadn't run away .. with his concealed gun .. you think this would have been necessary?
Who will be the first Elected Official to make the political suicidal remark......”these looters and arsonist are nothing but animals”.

And when will we hear the call for the Chief of Police to resign. The man at the top is ultimately responsible for the men and women in his command.
winn dixie's Avatar
The guy resisted arrest. If he didnt resist arrest none of this wouldve happened. At that point the police had to take control. Only the officer with his knee on the suspects neck is responsible for the death. Should be charged with accidental manslaughter.

Population control is a mutha