I was part of an alcohol study in college.. go college!.. fake bar, hot bartender, a vodka soaked wrag to rim the the top of the glass. I was the 'cop' kinda. I would run them through the breathylizer and field tests before, every 20 minutes and at the end.
At the end of the day, whether they thought they got alcohol or not. and some did. 99% failed the field sobriety tests sober or impaired. Its just a matter of fact and those arent HD cameras in the car so unless you fall over and absolutely fail, your still going to fail...if the cop says you do.
an aside: the breathalizer cannot be beaten but it can be altered quite easily. (I had to write a paper) you have two types of lung breath, tidal and deep lung. Tidal is normal breathing, deep lung is everything in everything out like after a hard run.. or fuck.
tendency when confronted with the law is not to let him smell, because he's trying to smell. For my 'paper' I would get myself to precisely .08 bac by my weight. then test.
Hold my breath enough to not pass out but still holding. I could blow a .25 (fucked up drunk in cop's eyes)
Go all in and all out deep breaths before the test and I could blow a .03 ( well below legal)
ever wonder why it takes the breahalyzer about 3 seconds to get a reading but the cop asks you to blow till your about ready to fall over from lack of air? They want that deep lung sample.
But remember, no one passes the field tests even if they think they do, or havent had as much as a tic tac.
ps. pennies in mouth, binaca, mouthwash -- they dont work ... Ahh science, easiest 3 credits I ever made
ps.s dont refuse, as blood tests dont lie. But if your on the edge of the limit. deep breaths my friend, deep breaths. make your deep lung the same reading as tidal and you will do yourself a favor. Then call a taxi.