Fake Reviews just for credit

5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 07-26-2015, 03:46 PM
I have read 4 fake reviews in the last 48 hours in the Houston forms. 2 of them were so obvious that it is hard to believe everyone isn't calling bullshit on them. It leads me to ask ... how often do you find reviews you know to be fake because you know the girl and the review doesn't match? I mean like strechmarks on the breasts when you know she has no strech marks ... or a lady that has hair down there that some idoit says is clean shaven ... and a day later you see her and she has a full bush. (does she have magical hair) I understand why idiots like that write fake reviews, but if half of all the reviews on here are fake doesn't that defeat the entire purpose of the review. And i know it is hard to put in a check and balance, because then it is hard to get the negative reviews through ... it seems like maybe the only way to get rid of the crap is to make this a pay site and not give any credit for reviews ... at least that keeps away the bullshitters that want everything for nothing? then all we have to worry about are the newbies who are writting bogus reviews so that the ladies will think they have been around and stop asking for verification ... like that ever works!

What do you think? any solutions or ideas? how often do you find fake reviews for ladies you know? Do you have any crazy review stories like mine? How extensive is it do you think?
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Probubly a banned member trying to get some credibility to troll. Otherwise why would one bother to post a fake review, amazes me what some spend there time on.

pyramider's Avatar
Steve, did you call out the fakes in the Houston forum?
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 07-26-2015, 04:19 PM
i did not ... waiting to see if they get banned ...
pyramider's Avatar
Then you are just as lame as them ...
burkalini's Avatar
You mean my review of fucking fourteen porn stars at once isn't realistic or believable. Just because I have a 15 inch cock doesn't mean you should call bullshit on all my reviews. They just call me every day and offer it for free or 5 dollars. They said it has to do with the 10 or more O's I give them in a thirty minute session. Nobody believes anything anymore. Fuck!!!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Who cares!

burkalini's Avatar
Who cares!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

Saw the Iron live in 1974"s California jam. I'm a big fan also. Just means I'm fucking old.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Saw the Iron live in 1974"s California jam. I'm a big fan also. Just means I'm fucking old. Originally Posted by burkalini
Saw the iron back then too, but was a child and sat on the drum riser the whole show, got to love hippy parents?

burkalini's Avatar
Saw the iron back then too, but was a child and sat on the drum riser the whole show, got to love hippy parents?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

Hate to admit it but I was 22 back then. It was a great time to be that age. None of the diseases we have now except the ones that a shot would take care of.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 07-26-2015, 09:22 PM
still the best drum solo in the business ... i always wantedd to write a 17 minute rock song only got to 13 miutes so far ... maybe we need a drum solo ... hmmm

now back to fake ads and Pboy bitching at me!
Fake reviews are also a way to get past a provider's screening if she's....sloppy.

Some less cautious providers will just check out if the guy has reviews of girls she knows of. Then he'll try rob and/or rape her.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
If you're not going to link the allegedly fake reviews, this thread is fake.
ALL reviews are fake/fictitious!!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Reviews are what they are, some honest, and some take liberties, to say that all reviews ar fake is saying these ladies don't deliver the goods. If your worried and trying to cover your ass, then yes there fake but come on they are what they are and with out them this place would be gone.

As to mongers posting fake reviews, sure it happens, trolls happen, shit happens.