Dumb newbie question

So question is since I am a complete newbie and have no provider references is it required at some point to give out your real identity. In my case I am married and in a professional business. If you types my name and city in google my picture my business address type of business and business phone would pop up multiple times. Obviously I would like discretion for both personal and professional reasons. I guess there is no way to get around it. Are there many cases where a provider decides to call the wife or clients? Just curious and careful.
Uh uh.. NO.

When we ask for RW information, it's mainly to check that you are neither law enforcement nor a frequent guest at facilities maintained by law enforcement agencies. Once the provider's established that you are a safe & respectful client, and especially once you've established that reputation with several providers who have a reputation for sound judgment, you're good to go.

Using RW info in the fashion that you're concerned about is reprehensible, and I wish I could reassure you that none of the ladies you may visit in the future would do such a thing.

Unfortunately, we're all human. Some humans suck.. (in the wrong way!)

That's the gamble we take on both sides of a provider-client relationship.
In my case I am married and in a professional business. Originally Posted by Juslookin77
So are 90% of the other guys
So question is since I am a complete newbie and have no provider references is it required at some point to give out your real identity. In my case I am married and in a professional business. If you types my name and city in google my picture my business address type of business and business phone would pop up multiple times. Obviously I would like discretion for both personal and professional reasons. I guess there is no way to get around it. Are there many cases where a provider decides to call the wife or clients? Just curious and careful. Originally Posted by Juslookin77
Hmm...you have Premium Access, but with no reviews, so you spent coin to join this site. My advice would be to spend additional coin and join P411. It does my this hobby a lot easier. Although you are going to have to give up some real world info there too unfortunately. Enjoy!

Choose your provider wisely. Do your homework. Pick someone with a SOLID reputation.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I guess there is no way to get around it ... Originally Posted by Juslookin77
With an attitude like that you will have to give up your RL info to play. Good luck.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
I would never call your work etc...but I would ask for I.D. for your job when you arrive, and yes get some "experience" "under your belt" for a future reference. Some gals are newbie friendly, but the good ones would never jeopardize her reputation or her private location incall either.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I guess there is no way to get around it.

YES there is!

Are there many cases where a provider decides to call the wife or clients?

There are some, one person is too many for you!

Just curious and careful. Originally Posted by Juslookin77
First of all, NEVER EVER give out your personal information to anyone in the hobby. Ignore all of the BS from the pimps on this site who want to collect information and exchange it among themselves. NEVER EVER use 411, and anyone who tells you otherwise either has nothing to loose, as you do, or they are a part of the group who wants your information. I have the same standards as you do, so don't listen to anyone who wants your personal information. It is like the computer mail I receive asking for:
social security number
home address and phone number
Bank account number and routing number
name and place of employment
Drivers license number
All of this is total nonsense, and you know it. So, what do you do - don't play the game. You follow your own rules and no one elses.

It may take months of following ECCIE to find a new guy friendly lady that you approve of. There a lot to choose from. Once you see one, post a review; the other ladies read the reviews.

Eliminating the risk is worth it. Keep in mind that a lot of these girls, but not all, are just totally crazy.

If you are serious about this, with a lot to loose. A second throw away phone is a wise investment because that number will be recorded and passed around. Get the minimum monthly charge.

Buy it for cash and have the minutes refilled with cash. Set it up to take messages and texts and hide the thing from everyone.

A lot of people in the hobby will then have that number, not your real number, from the phone calls that you make.

To anyone who reads this and disagrees about 411, don't bother responding.

So JR. I have thought about the throw away phone. But do you have to have a hobby name as well? Because with just my name if they googled it all of my business info and contact info would show up. I am easy to find on the Internet due to my business.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
You're trolling. right?
So JR. I have thought about the throw away phone. But do you have to have a hobby name as well? Because with just my name if they googled it all of my business info and contact info would show up. I am easy to find on the Internet due to my business. Originally Posted by Juslookin77
If you find a reputable provider, you're safe. I have no desire for drama. Like you, I have a life outside of this, a professional job, a relationship and many many friends in my real life. I have enough women friends outside of here that I am not gonna call and befriend your wife. Lol! What's the purpose of that?
I usually like to give them my bosses information when they ask.
I can't speak for all ladies but most reputable ladies including myself will not visit with a man without references from other reputable ladies or by you sharing your personal information. I have been in business for approx. 9 years. I have had over 50 gentlemen over those years to share with me their personal information. Once I receive their information and check it out, I immediately discard it (no reason to hang on to it). To this day, I have never ever called any of those gentlemen's wives or bosses. What is the point of doing something so stupid as that? I would only ruin my excellent reputation if I was to do so. Plus, I am afraid of the Karma that will come back to bite me in my a$$. Anyone who has to lie, cheat, or steal to get ahead in life is scum. I refuse to be put in that same category. I was taught to work for the things in life that you want, not the other way around. It is a shame that some ladies get painted with the same brush as these other gals who has no conscience who lie, cheat, and steal. I will never ever accept someone's handle as a reference unless his reviews are recent and on reputable ladies who I know practice excellent screening skills. I have heard and had too many gentlemen to contact me who either stole or borrowed someone else's handle. At least with P411 and date-check, you can check their information to see if they are who they say they are by the number and letters next to their name. You can't do that on any other boards. As a couple of others suggested, find one or two ladies that you trust with your information. Once you get references from them, you are all set to see most any lady that you desire. Lastly, you should be glad that the lady is being so tight with her screening. If she is not using proper screening skills, she may be working with LE. Good screening skills keeps everyone safe, including yourself.

pyramider's Avatar
So JR. I have thought about the throw away phone. But do you have to have a hobby name as well? Because with just my name if they googled it all of my business info and contact info would show up. I am easy to find on the Internet due to my business. Originally Posted by Juslookin77
Timothy H Tebow ... is that Search tab broken, again? Holy Tebow, I really wish the modtards would maintain the Search tab because the newbies could learn so much from being able to use the Search tab.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ah yes, encourage lying and deceit. That's great advice for a newbie. LOL. I don't see them, even if I have in the past and all went well. I've met the gents for lunch or drinks, his dime. Then he is welcome to contact once again to make an appointment and I would or not, make an appointment. He can see a managed lady, no problem, but I take only indie ladies refs, and yes we mostly know the difference. So, we are willing to take some risk, and as a newbie, you need to be as well. We have a biz, reputations, families, and free world lives, just as you do. Once you have established refs with a couple of reputable ladies, it should be smooth sailing. Research is your friend. Good Luck!