The corrupt Senile Biden admin is really running the Fat Ass Tank illegal law fare operationtions

berryberry's Avatar
Meet Jeff DiSantis -- the Biden Administration's "plant" inside Fani Willis' office and who has been "pulling the strings" of the entire Trump prosecution, according to a bombshell new Breitbart report.

Check out these explosive quotes from today's Breitbart investigation :

"DiSantis did this,” one source told Breitbart News about the Trump case. “He’s the one. He is the one pulling all the strings. He was the one that walled her [Willis] off. He was in every important meeting. He is the brainchild behind this. That is the connection to the White House.”

Anyone that has common sense knows that the White House has been involved in this prosecution," a source told Breitbart News. "This shouldn’t just miraculously happen. Of course, she’s [Willis] not going to prosecute the former president United States without the current administration’s approval."

More from Breitbart: "Citing his deep history and connections to the Democrat Georgia machine, sources told Breitbart News they were 'one hundred percent' certain that DiSantis was the inside man planted in the Fulton County office by the Biden administration. 'DiSantis is the one pulling the strings on this whole thing,' a second source said. 'Everybody heard Fani testify. It’s no secret that she’s not smart. That is how she sounds and acts every day of the week.'"

More from Breitbart: "Sources speculated that DiSantis was instrumental in selecting grand jurors for the Trump case based on voter registration data. 'Part of why you’re raising money as a candidate is to get money to buy the data about who are your voters. DiSantis, as the former head of the state Democratic Party, he’s going to know you know [the data] in Georgia,' one source said. 'There’s not one conservative person on that grand jury.'"
berryberry's Avatar
... Just one more example of the Biden Administration being
behind the persecution of Trump...

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
Biden just keeps whoopin Trumps ass is that the tale again today?

When the evidence is presented in Georgia we will see what excuses are made and whether there is any fire behind all the smoke.

I wonder what the odds are that 'a source told' was a source consulted without first affirming their allegiance to painting Biden as the bad guy? I say zero.
... Too right, Berry... Just more lies from Biden.
Sayin' he's not involved in any of the Trump cases...

#### Salty
Biden's playing 4-dimensional chess and trump just threw the checker board out the window

berryberry's Avatar
... Just one more example of the Biden Administration being
behind the persecution of Trump...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Indeed Salty. The evidence is damning. Anyone paying attention can see that
berryberry's Avatar
Former Senile Biden Aide Paid Fani Willis’s Deputy DA and Senile Biden plant Jeff DiSantis $131K in 2023