Sexy body

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Okay guys and gals tell me what diet, exercise you do or have done to get or keep you body sexy.
As most of you know I put on a few extra pounds this year partially from steroids for my arm. I started going to the gym and am trying to go gluten and carb free. Trying to get my sexy bod back without going under the knife.
So tell me how you do it or did it.
You can show before and after pics to.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
This is me a year ago

And this is me now

Big difference to me.
Guest031215-2's Avatar
My weight loss is more by necessity than by plan. I've lost 40 lbs and 6" around my waist since October just by gettimg testosterone replacement therapy. That combined with no sugar in my diet has helped keep it off.
DallasRain's Avatar
I don't do shit!
{eat a bag of cheese puffs every couple days} LOL

seriously,I do alot of walking and lifting heavy stuff....otherwise I do not do anything...I know I should,but I am so damn lazy! lol

The only major "flaw" I would love to change would be to get rid of my "lil" tummy!

I think genetics has alot to do with my "body shape" sisters and 85 year old mom still look good for their ages...the female bloodline of our "clan" is slender or average build, & no stretchmarks/flabby skin/or skin conditions.

In school and my early 20's I was very thin...wearing a size 3 I wear a size 7 / and on a rough day size 9 {lol}...........I have nver actually weighed over what i weight now....I flucuate between 130 and 145 at times.

heres visuals...

the first is from 7 years ago...the second two are from 4 years ago...and the ones are withen a year or year & half

Ha. You saw me before, at 230. During, lost 3 lbs w you one afternoon, and after at 185. Thank you.
I think gluten-free is a fad and the benefits are way overstated. Carb-free will definitely help you lose weight in the short term, but realistically it's not sustainable. Plus, if you're going to be exercising, your body needs carbohydrates for energy. The key is finding a diet that's sustainable. The simplest way to diet is to eat by color. These aren't ironclad rules, but for the most part they're solid:
- Eat no white things (primarily refined flours and sugar)
- Eat dark green things, avoid light green things
- Eat medium amounts of yellow and red things (tend to have lots of natural sugars)
- Eat all things orange, purple, brown, and pink

Plus, just common sense stuff:
- Avoid anything that advertises as a "superfood," or claims to get rid of "toxins"
- Cut out sugars, especially soda.
- Chicken and fish: these are the meats you eat now.
- However, do not avoid fat at all costs, and avoid "low-fat" shit. Your body needs fats.
- Learn to cook: even the "healthy" options are bad for you at pretty much every restaurant.

As far as exercise goes, I've gotten the most bang for my buck using a kettlebell. They're relatively cheap, travel easily, and you don't need a lot of space to use it. It also provides a great mix of cardio and muscle-building, and you need to build muscle to stay in shape. 15-20 minutes a day/every other day is all it takes, its a very efficient workout.

Good luck, and I know you can do it!
DallasRain's Avatar
LADY Y you are sexy as always!!!!
Gluten-free is not a fad for the many, many people who get sick from even the smallest trace of gluten in their diet. Research Celiac and come back and tell us it's a fad. There's a whole lot more research than you give it credit for. If you have a wheat allergy, it will cause you lots of problems.

Carb-free is not really a thing that is doable, but low carb is definitely sustainable and I know people who have done it for years. I have managed to take off about 80 lbs doing so, and getting rid of elevated blood sugars (aka diabetes) sustainably over 6 years. I have more to go, and low carb will be the way. I avoid grains, sugars, white potatoes and alcohol. I limit starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and winter squash Eating grains and sugars causes you to want to eat more. This leaves you many healthy carbs in the form of vegetables.

Sorry...I won't post pics!
I'm aware that gluten-free is not a fad for those with Celiac disease and is actually a necessity. However, Miss Y didn't say she was suffering from Celiac's disease, so I didn't think I would have to clarify that.

And I would even agree with you, low carb is sustainable, although I don't think its necessary to cut out "brown things" like whole grains and oats.
I have always been very active but didn't get in really good shape until I started lifting weights. Most women avoid them but if you want to burn some additional fat, do some weight training mixed in with your cardio.

My 2 cents anyway. And a diet is really important also.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Gluten-free is not a fad for the many, many people who get sick from even the smallest trace of gluten in their diet. Research Celiac and come back and tell us it's a fad. There's a whole lot more research than you give it credit for. If you have a wheat allergy, it will cause you lots of problems.

Carb-free is not really a thing that is doable, but low carb is definitely sustainable and I know people who have done it for years. I have managed to take off about 80 lbs doing so, and getting rid of elevated blood sugars (aka diabetes) sustainably over 6 years. I have more to go, and low carb will be the way. I avoid grains, sugars, white potatoes and alcohol. I limit starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and winter squash Eating grains and sugars causes you to want to eat more. This leaves you many healthy carbs in the form of vegetables.

Sorry...I won't post pics! Originally Posted by Smooth Sailing
My Dr. has told me I need to stop eating gluten. I have a form of colitis that they think is the start of Crohns, no one is for sure at this time. So not a fad for me.
Low carb is what I am doing.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Oh and I love gluten and I mean love it. lol Hardest thing I have ever had to give up.
I will say that after a week without it I feel much better and after going without and then eating it my intestines and colon hate me.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I have always been very active but didn't get in really good shape until I started lifting weights. Most women avoid them but if you want to burn some additional fat, do some weight training mixed in with your cardio.

My 2 cents anyway. And a diet is really important also. Originally Posted by GoBlue34z
I'm doing 30 mins on the treadmill and then 30 mins with the weight machines.
85% of people have some type of wheat allergy. Most people don't know it because its so mild and most people see a weight gain from it. I'm pretty good at losing weight. Apparently I'm really good at gaining it because it eventually always comes back even thought I only eat about 1400-1600 calories a day.

I will say the fastest loss will be with eating whole foods in small portion about 7 times a day (3 hours apart). Always make sure (for a woman) you have 2-3 oz of a protein and pair it with about a cup of complex carbs (oatmeal, baked potato, rice, no wheat) or a cup of high oxi low sugar fruit such as berries, pineapple, cantaloupe, peaches or pears (avoid grapes, melons, etc). If its before a work out do both the fruit and carb. Start with bigger portions in the morning and cut it to smaller sizes at night. Cut out sugar and salt and drink 100 oz of water a day. Do 30 mins of walking 4 times a week with a heart rate between 105 and 120. Micheal Thurmond had a meal plan that was very good to follow but it meant you cooked nearly every meal but it was considered the best and fastest way to shape your body.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
LADY Y you are sexy as always!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'd be real sexy if you gave me that yummy ass of yours.