After popular request, PhuckToi and I are having a repeat for those interested

BarebackLover's Avatar
I got many positive (and not a single negative) PMs regarding a review I posted here:

(WARNING: Review contains graphic content and images. Not for the faint of heart)

Okay, if you DID click that link and were offended, then this is not the place for negativity. If you have negative comments, please open your own thread and discuss there. THIS thread is for the folks interested in a get-together. ANY negative comments or emoticons will be considered off-topic. The topic here is for those interested in a similar experience listed in that review).

In case you have not read the guidelines, one is:
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Please respect PhuckToi, myself, and the many members who are interested in this topic. We won't hijack your thread if you wish to make negative comments regarding this subject matter. Despite the few that post negatively about the subject, there are a large number of members who are afraid to post in the open about their predilections, but they ARE here and their voices do count. Please do not attempt to shame or embarrass or stifle us anymore.

EDITED THE AD PART OUT OF THIS POST>>>IF PHUCKTOI wishes to place an AD for this service she can do so SD
Fancyinheels's Avatar
What you and Ms. Toi enjoy is certainly your right and moral outrage would be undeserved, not to mention hypocritical on a hobby board, as long as consenting adults were having their preferred form of fun.

HOWEVER, to inject a wee bit of perhaps unanticipated negativity, as written this is an outright ad and should be in the appropriate forum. It encourages patronage, not debate, which is the point of the coed discussion forums.
Sleepy363's Avatar
You're trying too hard now... making it too obvious.

Yes I edited your post...if she wishes to set this up she can place an ad. Also please leave the MOD work to the MOD's OK?
Guest091314's Avatar
I think it is an interesting idea but not sure how many on the boards would be interested. I personally have never been there (although ive wanted to) I doubt that all those people carry protection in the multitudes that it would need.

I saw the review (from what I can see) and sounds like you had a fantastic time and her as well. I will go one day but no pics will be taken...especially in the act.

Not trying to be negative at all, we have had pleasant convos. Yall both had a good time and probably will get a few that will vote to go. Ive had gangbangs so I have no room to knock what your doing/did.
I probably want to watch the event, but not be a participant.
I doubt that all those people carry protection in the multitudes that it would need. Originally Posted by Alecia

Alecia...I think that is the point. They aren't using protection from what I gathered.
Guest091314's Avatar
I knew that was the case...Not to bash phucktoi at all but is she aware of her face pics being linked to these acts? I do believe that everyone has their own way of doing things and makes their own decisions...more power to all those involved!
Interesting.... really surprising that 2 veteran providers, one pregnant even, wouldn't be a bit more... unsettled... for lack of a better word at the very nature of this: unprotected sex in a public setting free for all, pictures and video forthcoming afterwards.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I probably want to watch the event Originally Posted by spaceneedle
Boltfan's Avatar
I think it can be enjoyable without the "thrill of the risk" having to be a factor. I have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy group fun, whether it be multiple ladies or a single lady enjoying multiple men.
Interesting.... really surprising that 2 veteran providers, one pregnant even, wouldn't be a bit more... unsettled... for lack of a better word at the very nature of this: unprotected sex in a public setting free for all, pictures and video forthcoming afterwards. Originally Posted by legman+

I hope you didn't mean me....Unsettled doesn't describe it.

I agree with Boltfan

Shouldn't this be in ISO's not COed? Just asking?
Guest091314's Avatar
Interesting.... really surprising that 2 veteran providers, one pregnant even, wouldn't be a bit more... unsettled... for lack of a better word at the very nature of this: unprotected sex in a public setting free for all, pictures and video forthcoming afterwards. Originally Posted by legman+
This preggo veteran is not unsettled by what went on in the least bit. I did not get pregnant in the hobby world so I dont see where that comes in at all, I doubt most people use condoms with their SO's

What i mentioned was a provider being involved in those acts and it being on camera/film. I thought it was hot but it was the question of if she knew and for her to know I was not attacking her for her actions. Hell I saw that and went to watch gangbang porn!

Also I am more scared of "civilians" than I am of hobbiest. Those people go there and have sex with how ever many people and how often do you think they get tested? If your tested on a regular basis and aware of your risks then have at it.

If you have talked to me, I find strangers exciting and being engaged in that type of atmosphere is exciting as well. I have thought about going there in my "horny spurts" just to blow more than few cocks but when I do then I plan on making it as safe as I can...i dont think people I do not know at all are really going to tell me the truth when it comes to sexual health.

Once again I would like to say that this is not gets my panties in a wad when someone brings my pregnancy into a post. Also the fact you get bashed if you BB but cheered on in other cases???
LazurusLong's Avatar
They aren't using protection from what I gathered. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
How did you "gather" they were doing BBFS?

Even before the Staff decided to hide all the activities behind private tags, there wasn't any mention of BBFS.

I'm pretty sure the guys jerking off while watching the live sex show weren't using covers but if anyone is afraid of catching an STD while masturbating their own cock without cover, holy fuck we are all screwed!!

Maybe you're just jumping to conclusions?

Should I conclude that any sexual encounter between more than 2 people automatically means sans condoms?
How did you "gather" they were doing BBFS?
Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Probably because many of us saw what was public before put into tags, she admitted it herself, and not to mention everything, including the creampie photos, is posted for all to see "over there."