The limo turns to enter the hotel.
It bypasses the front door and arrives at an underground entrance.
You look at your phone and sigh.
Tired from the days work.
If you can call it that.
A familiar woman's voice strings the next days appointment.
You exit and look at your watch. You consciously try not to frown.
Life is crazy you tell yourself. F'n crazy.
It is but grass and who can see what you hear?
You're heart starts to pound just a little.
She is promising. We shall see.
Familiarity breads contempt.
Well it can also fuel a great fire.
“That's what DG says anyway.” You think to yourself.
Your mind wanders to a place.
A warm place.
You can hear your father's voice. The sound of insects and a river.
You smile from the memory.
You seem so tired.
“I need a drink.” You tell yourself.
“Shall I come over at 7AM?” You hear.
“No need. I'll see you downstairs.” You reply.
You finally open the door.
Something is wrong. It's frozen cold.
"That mother fucker can't leave enough alone!" You think.
"F you and the horse you rode in on!"