Are you back working from the office or still working from home?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
My lease is up at my current incall this month & I am seriously considering moving to another location.

I'd love to go back downtown, but it seems like less then 50% of downtown workers are actually back at the office. The parking garages that used to be full by 9am are pretty much scarce all day now.

So back to my question: Are you back working from the office or are you still working from home?
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Since it's in regards to an incall, it's very much hobby related.

By the way ... you should be in the Virginia forums.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Hmmmm looks like you are wrong.
Are you really challenged so badly that you think I’m a cartoon character from a cartoon town in Virginia? SMH
Everything I have read, it appears working from home is a popular perk most employees like. I believe it will be very tough for employers to bring employees back five days a week. My company has created A and B teams. A comes in Monday/Wednesday. B comes in Tuesday/Thursday. I see our A and B teams continuing for a long while.

The one positive from COVID is it showed employees can work from home and be as productive. Long term it's expected the trend to continue to work from home, especially when employers figure out they can save a lot of money by cutting their office space in half.
boardman's Avatar
Never stopped working from the office.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Never stopped working from the office. Originally Posted by boardman
Russ38's Avatar
People stopped going to work?......oh yeah forgot about the “non-essential”......