Who wants to bet Assad will throw Hussein under the bus and say some or all of the Chemical Weapons came from Iraq?

Boltfan's Avatar
Curious to see, now that Assad has come out and said he has them. Will he throw Hussein under the bus?
Curious to see, now that Assad has come out and said he has them. Will he throw Hussein under the bus? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I hope he does...LOL
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Um like man. we were only holding them for this dude. He said he would come get them when the heat was off and the sonny boy simmered down.
Hey I was just checking them out to see if they were still any good dude.
Hey man I did not know what I was holding for him.
Curious to see, now that Assad has come out and said he has them. Will he throw Hussein under the bus? Originally Posted by Boltfan
How would that help him?

And who would believe him. There will be many others who can refute it, if it is not true.

Also, his father, Hafez, supposedly used poison gas about 30 years ago in the Hama massacre. So, it's not like it is unheard of in Syria.

Boltfan's Avatar
Dude, those crazy middle easterners pass that shit around like a hooka lounge.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since Hussein is dead and it would further embarass Obama why not flip on Hussein. Of course, this is also a bargaining chip when dealing with the democrats.
LexusLover's Avatar
Curious to see, now that Assad has come out and said he has them. Will he throw Hussein under the bus? Originally Posted by Boltfan
Don't you remember? There were no WMD's in Iraq, ....

........................even though Clinton thought so, and 99% of the civilized world..

Just ask BT. He knew there were none before the 2003 invasion.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am sure bugtux can explain it all.

Just ask BT. He knew there were none before the 2003 invasion. Originally Posted by LexusLover
More failing memory from LexiLiar AKA, The King of Liars. With a little purposeful deflection added, just for good measure. LexiLiar never let's the facts stand in the way of the LIES he wants to tell!

What I actually said prior to the ill fated and ill advised spring of 2003 invasion of Iraq was very similar to what the Secretary of State (at the time) General Colin Powell said when he recently admitted that he, "warned President Bush that the U.S. was being steamrolled into war."

My words at the time were that we should allow the weapons inspectors to complete their task and if they find WMD's, we should consider invasion at that time.


General Powell's recent remarks on the subject follow:

In a new documentary airing Monday on the National Geographic Channel, former Secretary of State Colin Powell opens up about the U.S. invasion of Iraq and claims that he warned President Bush that the U.S. was being steamrolled into war. In the clip from National Geographic's "America vs. Iraq," which was previewed Monday on HuffPost Live, Powell is also heard calling out former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Powell described a meeting with President Bush in which he says he recommended the U.S. defer to the United Nations for weapons inspections rather than rush to war.

"I said [to President Bush], 'I recommend you take it to the UN. They are the aggrieved party. It's their resolutions that have been offended,'" Powell says in the documentary.
