Sebelius: Yes, I "Urged" Companies Regulated by Me to "Donate" to Obamacare Promotion

Make an offer they can't refuse....................
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Bill Clinton was the original gangster.

POTUS: Come in and have a seat.
A: Bless you Mr. President.
POTUS: What can I do to help you?
A: I need a job, a decent paying job.
POTUS: You need a job. Do you know anything about the law? or healthcare? or foreign affairs?
A: No, I'm just a fairly hot looking housewife with no special skills.
POTUS: Don't undersell yourself. Okay, I will give you a job. A good job, a job that pays much and has bonuses. A job that it is almost impossible to be fired from. In other words, a government job.
A: Thank you Mr. President (drops to her knees).
POTUS: Please get off the floor. Hillary could be here any minute and I don't like to share. No, I will do this for you as a favor. Someday I will ask you for a favor in return. This favor you can not refuse. You can not tell me it is illegal or immoral and you must do it. Do you understand?

Fifteen years later;
A: Justice Department Investigatory Archives.
C: Do you know who this is?
A: Mr. President?
C: I need a favor.
A: Of course sir.
C: I need anything you have on a Senator Barack Obama.
A: Uhhhh, Mr. President that would be illegal and just plain wrong. He is going to save us all from global warming and Islamic terrorism. He will correct everything Bush has done to the country.
C: I did you a favor and you owe me a favor now or don't you remember.
A: Yes, sir.....I can have a messenger deliver them in the morning.
C: You do it. No paper trail and Hillary is out of town.
A: Yes, sir. (hangs up the phone) No way am I going to screw up my master's chances. I'll put together some records from an illegal alien from Kenya and give those to Hillary and Bill.

Now you know.
Sebelius= She bill us
Circle jerk.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Kathleen Sibelius denies all charges
She does look dangerous. I'd be scared.

Fucking idiots.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Donate to Obama, and I can make sure nothing bad happens to your business." - Kathleen Sebelius