BLM Extortion?

Is BLM, in spite of the huge funding I've heard it has received, allowing extortion to go on in Lousiville?

"Fernando Martinez, a business owner in downtown Louisville, Ky., took part in a demostration Sunday with fellow members of the Cuban community and expressed solidarity with Black Lives Matter protesters even after he called their recent demands in the city “mafia tactics.”

The Louisville Courier-Journal reported that business owners in the area received letters from protesters that included a list of demands to improve diversity in the community and in the workplace. The paper cited a press release that said the letter was delivered by protesters who told Martinez to put it on his front door so “your business is not f***ed with.”
rexdutchman's Avatar
And your shocked because,
Grace Preston's Avatar
Pretty much every business in OTR here has a BLM sign in the window.. in order to avoid any potential issue. It was sad when we were having our protests... but now.. its just amusing-- as we haven't had anything more "violent" or "radical" than a sit in since the first week of the Floyd protests....

And by the numbers-- Cincinnati's one of the most "liberal ran" cities in the country-- in terms of Democrats in positions of authority.
Pretty much every business in OTR here has a BLM sign in the window.. in order to avoid any potential issue. It was sad when we were having our protests... but now.. its just amusing-- as we haven't had anything more "violent" or "radical" than a sit in since the first week of the Floyd protests....

And by the numbers-- Cincinnati's one of the most "liberal ran" cities in the country-- in terms of Democrats in positions of authority. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Smart of everyone to pay the protection money - but I admire those who fight back - it can't be easy.

Ohio hasn't been the same since they ran off Woody Hayes.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-03-2020, 01:28 PM
BLM funding is going to white democrats. Bernie and Creepy Joe are the two top recipients. George Soros in the main money source.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Smart of everyone to pay the protection money - but I admire those who fight back - it can't be easy.

Ohio hasn't been the same since they ran off Woody Hayes. Originally Posted by friendly fred

I think the point you missed is that not all liberal cities are struggling under the "oppression" of the BLM movement. And honestly, I was pleasantly surprised that it hasn't been worse here. We have the history for a bad situation (2001 OTR riots-- 2015-- Tensing) We had a couple of streets in OTR that suffered some broken windows. A couple of looted businesses. And after 3 days of mild protests (compared to others) and 5 days of curfew... we've seen nothing more than the occasional quiet protest event in Washington Park or near Precinct 1.

Hayes is great-- but Cincinnati is a totally different world from Columbus.
  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2020, 02:01 PM
Ohio state university - No. 1 in football players drafted by the Pros.

Undoubtedly the best professional football team in Ohio.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ohio state university - No. 1 in football players drafted by the Pros.

Undoubtedly the best professional football team in Ohio. Originally Posted by oeb11

Well.. its not like they have any competition in Cincinnati or Cleveland......
  • oeb11
  • 08-03-2020, 02:13 PM
Or Dallas. (The Arlington cowboys)
BLM funding is going to white democrats. Bernie and Creepy Joe are the two top recipients. George Soros in the main money source. Originally Posted by R.M.
Right, BLM funds are going to "Act Blue" which is a Democratic arm that has the correct tax write-off numbers. Hardly anyone in the media is sqwauking about it. It's the same number that was denied several tea party factions.

Yes, this is shake down money. Very similar to what Jesse Jackson did to companies in the 80s. Jackson would go to businesses and ask for a position on their board or various concessions. If he didn't get it a boycott would appear along with charges of racisim. Toyota finally told Jackson to fuck off. He wasn't able to organize a Toyota boycott and other businesses took notice. Actually I think what broke his streak on this was Toyota went to the big 3 networks and said if they publicized this, we won't advertise on your network.

Amazon is making BLM overtures. Why not? They have a hundreds of millions of dollars of assets on the streets every day. You aren't seeing Ammy trucks set ablaze often.

This is sick.
Right, BLM funds are going to "Act Blue" which is a Democratic arm that has the correct tax write-off numbers. Hardly anyone in the media is sqwauking about it. It's the same number that was denied several tea party factions.

Yes, this is shake down money. Very similar to what Jesse Jackson did to companies in the 80s. Jackson would go to businesses and ask for a position on their board or various concessions. If he didn't get it a boycott would appear along with charges of racisim. Toyota finally told Jackson to fuck off. He wasn't able to organize a Toyota boycott and other businesses took notice. Actually I think what broke his streak on this was Toyota went to the big 3 networks and said if they publicized this, we won't advertise on your network.

Amazon is making BLM overtures. Why not? They have a hundreds of millions of dollars of assets on the streets every day. You aren't seeing Ammy trucks set ablaze often.

This is sick. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I agree.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by andymarksman

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-04-2020, 02:48 AM

Originally Posted by andymarksman
rexdutchman's Avatar
Return of the brown shirts , for those who understand history