antifa are a very unhappy people

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the psychology of antifa. interesting take on their behavior.

lack of father figure, raised by a dominate female. seeing a donald, a manly man made them bonkers!

very unhappy people indeed.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Karma in a heartbeat. Hear how this miscreant piece of antifa shit lies and claims "self-defense."
LexusLover's Avatar
Liberal-Nazis have got to be "unhappy" as they perceive their way of life systematically being flushed down the toilet.
bamscram's Avatar
Happy right wing Nazis.

as long as google doesn't further censor truth, youtube will continue to expose liberal lies and maybe more and more people will come around to truth

however I used to think c-span would do the same thing as it exposed the left with an unvarnished airing

but its clear that personal desires for "free" things, racial animosities, false teachings that create tribalness, hatred of individualism and liberty, hatred of the constitution and more are all hard to overcome especially since truth is not a liberal value